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Real Psychic Experiences

Summoning Via Mirrors 3


I am writing the various views on this Goetia Spirit. Some of it from what I have learnt is very false and some to be very true.

In Summoning like Astral Projection, after awhile I never saw the world the same as before again.

Amon the seventh, the devourer, a werewolf - demon whom is a significant initiatory force withers invoked or evoked. He is a marquis of great power and a great principality.

Churches have a great fear of Principalities.

Amon is also a dream manipulator. It is suggest that the sorcerer shape shifts in meditation and dream with Amon, become this shadow form and think deeply about the attributes of such a spirit. In the black mirror Amon is darkness incarnate, vomiting flames. In the shape of a human the head is a raven with a wolf's teeth. Some magicians states that he has serpentine tail. Amon is also a divinatory spirit whom aligns the conscious mind with the subconscious i.e. True Will.

Forty (40) Legions of spirits can be summoned and used to defend and encircle the magician.

I will now give the historical and more accurate view of him through my studies of this being.

Amon is the ancient God of the Middle East. It was said that the Egyptians were the first ones to bow down to him. Egyptian gods were known to be vampyric in nature. This art form of vampirism is followed by followers of Set and is referred to as Setite Sorcery also called Akhu.

Vampyrism has its roots to the earliest civilization of sumeria.

The worship of the god Amen goes back at least to the 5th dynasty. Perhaps as far back as prior to the 4th dynasty's construction of the pyramids.

In the Egyptian mythology, He defeats Set the god of darkness and storms, every night to become the sun and bring the day to earth.

The central divinity of Egyptian religion like the Canaanites is the Sun.

The Egyptians knew this spirit (which some today still accuse as being a demon) as Ammon although he had other names like Amun, Amen, and Ammon-Re/Amen-Ra/Ammon-Ra (two gods that came together to form ONE in approximately 1500 BC) the infamous Creator and Egyptian Sun God.

Ra- Egyptian god of supreme deity aka god of the sun, god of the earth, and sky. Described as Man with a hawk's or falcon's (please note the bird like description) head crowned with a solar disc and uraeus.

The other gods were simply manifestations of him.

Please note that Amen is the Anglicized version of the Egyptian word for the Egyptian God Amen.

The word Amen is used at the end of every prayer and it means 'the hidden'.

Three main religions (which are historically) interlinked use the name at the end of their prayers.

In Egyptian art he is portrayed as a man with a head of a bird and not like a werewolf. I personally believe that this spirit goes farther back in history. The Sumerian King List, a controversial record of all the rulers of the earth dating over 400, 000 years, lists as immortal gods such names as Annunaki (Some people know this race to be aliens) and Elohim. Interestingly enough, the main gods included An/ Anu The Sumerian Sky God, Ninhaursag, Enlil, Enki and Ea. Note the similarities between the names Amon, Amun and Anu.

A lot of belief systems we have today stem from one of the most earliest recorded civilizations, Ancient Sumeria.

Amon has also been influencing the Middle East since before the time of Abraham, and I believe he is still there, deeply embedded in the mind-set of the Arabs. There is a picture of him with a turban. A form of hat wear that is famously recognized as Arab.

To the Nubians who were a group of people who once ruled Egypt, he was especially worshiped as having been born in the Sudan.

From communicating with him, he is also a being of great patience. I say this because I have a knack of testing people's nerves:)

Eye of Ra (The All Seeing Eye or Eye of Horus The Hawk) -

The Eye of Ra is the same as the Eye of Horus.

Amon is also represented with The All Seeing Eye. Basically, it means the ever watching eye of yin/ control of yin energy.

He also uses the Eye to tell all things past, present and things to come.

There is a saying that eyes are gateways to people's souls. The Eye is also used by him to read other beings' minds.

The All Seeing Eye is now a big part of popular culture now where some use it as a form of protection against evil. But I have no idea if that works.

Please note that this is not a negative symbol as some Christians will state.

The Myth of Amon


That is just an accusation to make The Egyptian Religion barbaric. Or it can be a historical simple mixed up the Egyptians with The Mayans and Aztecs.

In Trinidad and Tobago, we as a people are also starting to realize that our native Indians, The Amerindian Tribe never fed off human flesh.

Here are my sources-





Strong's Concordance in Hebrew #527 Amen

Michael W. Ford-Luciferian Goetia

Michael W. Ford-The Vampyric Gate-The Vampyre Magickian

The Book of Going Forth by Night, Setite Sorcery-Revised by Sarah Klein

Zohar-Book of Secret

Please refer to this link below for the Middle Eastern Image of Amon.


Biblical reference to Principalities.

Ephesians chapter 6 verse 12

Amplified Version and The New International Version Bible Study

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Rashidah, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Zin (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-11)
Ninjaman I assume you mean Anubis. If you mean Anubis I can assure you that Amon-Ra and Anubis are completely different being. You see Anubis is a minor god, and the judge of the dead. Now if not Anubis the closest beings I can think of would be Erebus, or if not him Ebuis, the old primoidal god of chaos.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
no its ok it just when I think of the name I get a flood of images with a lot of stories behind it. I was actually looking for somthing like this, I had a dream that told me to keep my eyes open so I'm glad you posted it. I just didn't have time to read it all:)
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
I understand the christian perspective to this.

I am sorry this was too long. I guess it was too much info at just one time.

I will improve on my writing skills.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
i have to reread this later. Its too long and I really want to see what else you have posted. But in response:

You really know the names to all the fallen gods don't you? So these are the generals in Lucifer's army or is he not a part of that anymore?

The names no longer lead to these enitities they were casted out of heaven. Thus the existance of black holes. If people pray to them they get the God of this universe. Instead of the ones that were trying to invade our world.

Lucifer was considered one of the princes a being of beuaty and light that wanted to be the Most High God and take over our God's realm, this earth. He had his own kingdom but that was not enough. I'm hoping he has repented and is now a good guardian angel to you.
... I just got a sense of de ju vu. I dreamt of this conversation, creepy...
IndigoGIRL (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-22)
OMG,hope he is not a perv or something along those lines!lol, we will see. 😉
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-22)
I am so sick of this immaturity. I just went to the spiritual site and saw the same crap too.
As I said before, give a kid a computer and watch the internet go to hell.

It is so creepy that that person is following us.
I hope he is not a 'pedophile' or some strange stalker.
IndigoGIRL (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-22)
Rashidah,it looks as if they (certain person whom I don't know yet) are being spiteful and voting your posts down again, they might vote me down but who cares! This is getting me PO now.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-22)
yip intotheblack they voted me down on this story too.

I am voting you up. So I will like to see them try to vote you down again... That person I fear is going to end up in deep waters soon.
But wait, they already have. They know who I am referring too 😐
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-11)
Thanks for making me laugh 😆
OMG. That article was complete drama to write. Thanks for reading it ❤
IntoTheBlack (66 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-11)
Hi Rashidah! 😁

I'd been awfully busy of late. So I haven't even been online...
I still intend to email you, but in the past two days I could not find quiet time to finish writing the email...

But that was a good article up there... Sad to see they've rejected it. I guess they are looking for something like "and then I started to levitate, but my head was still smashed open"... But then we'll be always more Dr Faust than Ouija Board Kid 😆

Anyway, I hope to talk to you again sometime soon. Take care ❤
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-10)
I sent you an invitation to my yahoo profile.
I do hope you will accept.
My yahoo messenger sometimes crashes.

Do have a nice day 😊
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-09)
I just finshed posting my last story. If anyone is interested in reading it please go to


You can leave a comment there who simply read it.
Thank you.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-05)
I am doing some magic work right now. When I am finished I will write about it though ❤
IntoTheBlack (66 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-05)
They think you are like Faust 😆

Nothing will change their mind, I suppose...
Oh well.
Some things they'll have to learn on their own.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to anything else you might write, if you haven't given up 😁
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-04)
Yeah it was but Lucifer is not popular due to the misinformation given by the church for centuries thanks to the mistranslation of Jerome to The Kings of Babylon and Tyre.

Atleast I tried to shed some light... That is all I can do ❤
IntoTheBlack (66 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-04)
No problem 😊

I was able to find it and read it.

Was it rejected though? I mean I can understand why, with all the 13 year olds reading and posting here.

It's kind of why I don't post anything on here about myself... People won't really understand, so I just don't bother
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-04)
Thanks IntoTheBlack.
I could not post this story here. I guess people are more comfortable in the idea of Lucifer being a superstitious monster... Oh well.

Things will change soon. ❤
IntoTheBlack (66 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-03)
[at] Rashidah,

Thanks for the update 😁

I look forward to reading Part 4
IntoTheBlack (66 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-03)
To anyone looking for the blog:

Please check back later today as the link in her profile is kind of broken

Thank you 😊
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-03)
For anyone who is interested you can go to my blog from my profile to see an article I wrote about part 4 of this experience.

Please be free to comment there or just read it.
Thank You
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-07-27)
I know my posts sound like lecture notes 😆
I go to college and I have to do a lot of presentations so out of habit I write like this. 😊

I will be honest with you, a supernatural being has to come to me for me to get the inspiration to write. And I test all spirits, so I take it upon myself to source the information that they are giving me to make sure that they are not lying because I have heard too much about lying spirits to just belief everything from them 😐

I knew you weren't bashing, I was just saying that some of the stories here are outlandish and the others to me makes sense.

The Ghost Story site, I believe is more adult oriented and we as adults tend top talk about world issues instead of talking about dreams of upcoming wars.
People fail to realize that not all war dreams are based upon the world. Most of the dream stories I have read are just to me based upon their personal lives. For example, war in dreams can simply mean that you are warring with an issue in your life and so on.

I do hope you have a great day
IntoTheBlack (66 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-27)
[at] Rashidah

I understand 😊
Your post/story is kind of like reading lecture notes though, and I felt like I missed something, but then it makes good sense if you will be mentioning those things in later stories

I appreciate that you do this 😊

As for believable stories, I do see quite a few here, it's just that the beige sister site (Ghosts and paranormal stuff) is less popular with the "war people", and I came across is first. And I appreciate seeing a levelheaded person that is aware of the non-physical world, that's all... It was less directed at bashing them than it was to say a good word about you... But then I was in a bad mood (actually blank and somewhat angry, totally exhausted), having a bad day, but tried to imitate my normal self...

I hope that makes sense...

Oh, and have a good day ❤

Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-07-27)
I cannot only tell people about my experience. I will have to source the information so that people can read from others works. I know it is always good to back up and check out information. I personally do not want people think I got all of this from just off the top of my head 😊

I do hope people check out my sources and READ.

I personally do not comment on most stories but there are believable stories on this site. But yeah I know the war thing is tiring to read. I really wish people will focus more on the war in the middle east though because that one is actually happpening now 😐

If you do have anything to add though that will be greatly appreciated ❤
IntoTheBlack (66 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-27)
Oh, and to clarify, I am familiar with the power of mirrors, and it's one reason I'm following what you write... I'll save the other reason for later 😉

Other than that, you know, you're more logical and coherent than some who post here... I've skimmed over some writings and comments and have run into people saying that they are Angels in flesh and that they are waiting for war... It's like, war? What war?...too many hours spent in role-playing games I guess... Running into stuff like that makes me think this site is often a playground for someone's ego...

Not to veer too far off topic though, not many seem to understand the significance of mirrors, having one in their vanity and all... I'm glad to see someone covering this subject. I hope you will also devote a paragraph or so to the more mundane situations involving mirrors, where the person involved is not even aware of what they are creating...

IntoTheBlack (66 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-26)
Very informative 😁...although informative is the only way to describe what I just read, as it sounds almost encyclopedic at this point... 😆

Should I hope to combine this information at the end of the series, or is it more of a reference material for the future?

Like the detached pages of a book, I can understand each page in its own, but it just sits in the my mind, waiting for something to else to put it in context...

But anyway, I'll be following 😉


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