I have been told that I am a Empath and Clairvoyant. I have seen spirits and heard odd whispering. I also can feel the moods of others. And I sometimes know things before they happen. Some things I have experienced are:
Seeing Spirits, hearing voices, Getting feelings. Knowing things before they happen, have a ghost mess around with electronic stuff, Dreams that come true, knowing the song that will come on the radio before it happens, Knowing when the teacher will call me, Knowing were I will sit before the teacher tells me, and more.
Well first I have to say that my mom is the only person Who knows about any of this. I have thought about telling one of my good friends but she does not believe in any of this stuff and I am afraid she will think I am crazy. But I really would like to be able to talk about this with a friend.
Another thing is this spirit I have been trying to deal with. This is the first time I have actually interacted with a spirit and not just watch them do things. But this spirit is difficult. I have only seen him once and he has quickly disappeared (like he does not want for me to see him) and I always has the most energy when in my school. Although I cannot always see him I can always feel him. And he is draining my energy he gives me horrible head aches and really weird feelings. I asked him what his gender was (In my mind while I was in school) and my rubber Live Strong bracelet flung off my wrist and hit some guy in the face. He also has came to me in dreams touching my bracelet. But I have no idea who he is. Does anyone deal with anything like this and does anyone know how to help me? I also need to know how people deal with not telling anyone and if they do how do they do it?
Please help!