When I was young I had my first scary experience, I was sitting on my bed (my mom wanted me to take a nap) and I was very happy staring out my window, When all of the sudden a little girl danced across my room I watched her and laughed (I thought she had come to play with me) but there were many things different about this girl. For one thing, she had a very visible blue haze around her for another she was wearing the funniest clothes I had ever seen. A big old fashioned green dress and perfectly curled hair! Well soon this girl ran straight through a wall and disappeared! So I ran to tell my mom and I was scared!
A few months later my mom was reading me a story in her bed when I said, "See, look mom I told you there were people here!" She looked at me very confused. I saw a man in a suit but my mom saw nothing. That man stayed there moving but just staring and smiling at me!
Years past and I was busy moving and starting new schools. I had a lot of things on my mind. But last week I was happy, clear of mind playing my cello (I had not had many experiences in a while). When I felt him, my chest felt like it exploded with butterflies and I turned around and got a glimpse of a handsome young man in a blue shirt in about his thirties. He disappeared quick! Then I felt him almost every day in my Orchestra room and other places around my school! I even had a dream about him touching my arm, outlining my live strong bracelet! I can feel him now he is near me! He has not shown himself to me again I have only been able to see his movements! This is strange confusing please help!