I have had issues understanding my strange abilities all my life. Sometimes I surprise myself with what I see or when I pick up on another beings emotions.
Just last week I was able to tell my sister what day her baby was going to be born and what the sex of the baby was. She didn't want to know what it was, but a week before the baby came I was standing beside her and knew something was wrong.
I blurted the babies sex out (which was a girl) as well as her due date, which was a month earlier then the doctor's had said. The baby was born with sugar related problems as well as a few other issues.
There have been times when I can clearly hear someone call my name but no one is around. There are times I pick up on sadness, frustration, or even panic from people close by.
I predicted the death of both my grandmother and step father a week before their passing. I awoke out of a deep sleep at the time of both passings.
I understand a lot of people consider this a gift, but I feel as though I have no control over this. Some days I just want to shut it off.
I have had dreams about the day to come that came true right down to the arguments if any. I have had nightmares that scare me because I have had them come true as well. I am afraid to sleep because of it.
I always hear great ways on how to improve these gifts, but what I want to know if there is a way to control them. I have been having these experiences since I was very young.
I know by now I shouldn't fear these occurrences, however, even now at the age of 26 they still scare me.