I have a man and a young lady soul that won't leave and I don't have the foggiest idea why they are annoying me and why they won't leave. The man said he will never leave and he thinks he is in charge. I don't care for him around me. I don't need him around period. I instructed him to leave again and again. I am irritated that they came to me months prior and I attempted to find support to dispose of them with a Shaman but unfortunately, that didn't help. I felt that that was the main option I had. I was extremely edgy to dispose of them.
This soul assumes I am lonely when I am most definitely not. They are incorrect and they are stating lies. He attempts to discover reasons to stay and one of them is that there is a major issue with me. He doesn't have my wellbeing on the most fundamental level. Everything was fine before they came to me. I didn't feel so much pressure, outrage, and trouble. I was very glad and free. Be that as it may since they came they destroyed everything. They are a huge weight on me and again they are causing me trouble. They disregard what I tell them and excuse what I am feeling. It doesn't appear as though they truly care about me. They aren't loving souls and they are not what they say they are. I feel like they are manipulative and controlling.
This man is demanding and he instructs me to talk when I would prefer not to, and he advises me to sleep and eat. He comes to me when I am furious and disappointed. He needs to recognize what is happening when I feel this way. I don't know why and maybe he senses this as a weakness. I don't need his assistance and he said he came to me to help. He pesters me when I am watching something or playing a video game. He keeps on telling me what to do a lot. That is the thing he does and I don't need him to do this. He appears to be condescending. It is not his concern to worry about what I am doing.
I don't need any spirits watching me or in my business. He gets angry at me when I don't listen to him and he tries to converse with me and I have had enough of it. He advises me to wise up which isn't exceptionally kind. I got a great deal of what he says on EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon). Same with the young lady. They don't sound decent and I don't care for that. I never requested this. I don't have a clue what else to do. I am praying and drawing nearer to God everyday. I even read the Holy Bible. I don't know what else to do. He doesn't get I don't care for him and there is something not right with him he claims he loves me yet I don't care for him and the same goes with the young lady. I simply need to live in harmony and not need to manage this. He tries to make him loving and with light but he won't leave and that is what concerns me. If it's not too much trouble help!