Ever since I'm was in pre-k my powers were active, but then they were low, until 6th grade. They've increased and I get overwhelmed a lot. For some reason I can't see the person I go with aura or emotions clearly. I've notice that when I'm in love I can't see the person's aura, or emotions.
My friends Yissel, and German knows about it. I didn't tell any one in my family, except my grand mother. I can sense people with other abilities, (odd) and no one in my family has it that I came in contact with. I looked up my sign (Pisces) and they said it's common for me to have powers cause of our sensitivity. I get overwhelmed on the bus, hallways, well basically all of M.S.P. Especially when they're emotions are really strong.
All my friends don't have any powers so I'm alone. I can block out emotions when they're weak. I have to concentrate really hard to see someone's aura. I've just developed that power, but had my sense to see other's emotions since forever. But since going through puberty they've increased. I get mine and others confused ALOT. I can also sense people's presence, know if someone is coming in the same room with me before they do, and I have these vivid dream then don't even remember them a lot.
This is a case of empathy and clairsentience both. Email us if you have any more questions.
-Blessings & safety; Vendettas.