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Real Psychic Experiences

The Psi Wheel And Telekinesis And Young Age


To start off I found out I was psychic when I was about 9 years old. Since then, I could see auras and see what will happen in the future in my dreams. It small thing like when I dream a car would be on fire on the side of the rode coming back home from a trip visiting my grandparents. A week later, I was going home after the trip I took with my dad from North Carolina and a car would be on fire on the side of the rode.

I'm 13 now and I am practicing telekinesis since I've heard stories about people moving objects with their mind, so I thought I should give it a try. The first 3 days of trying I made a pen vibrate, now 3-4 weeks later it's been a lot of hit and miss with the psi wheel. I can make it move up and down instead of rotating like it should. I really need help with it since no one else in my family is psychic, on my mom's side of the family won't believe and there very religious so my dad's family don't know but, my parents are okay that I'm doing this.

Where can I get tips on moving the psi wheel 360 degrees instead of a rocking motion? The stories I have read most of the people that have a psycho kinesis experiences are around my age 12-13 here or a younger age what does it mean?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, kojimaTK, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

telekinesisstarter48 (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-09)
Oh god this sucks. I just typed it so I couldn't get anymore characters in. To sum it up, I said to find your own way. I found mine immediatly and spun the psi wheel like crazy (exaggeration haha) meditate too. Both feet flat on ground and focus on breathing and energy until your mind goes clear. It feels amazing so don't look at it like "oh god. I got to practice for months to move a piece of paper in the air". Because its an amazing journey so I've heard. I'm 13 and started a few days ago and I put my hands around it and focus on its energy as if I'm one with it. And it moves. Please don't stress because its just a muscle in your brain that needs to be worked to get stronger (like any other muscle) don't get down on your results or how other people think
funnybunnychowchow (1 stories) (49 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-26)
you either get powers or lose powers at 13 hope I helped 😁
D.J. Controler of 4 elements and electrokinetic
revsilverson (guest)
16 years ago (2009-08-20)
i don't know if it is easier for a female to perform telekinesis or psychokinesis, all I know is that more times than not it involves female energy. There have been cases involving pre-pubescent men as well- just not as many.

Love and Light
kojimaTK (4 stories) (22 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-19)
well telekinesis so far since I read online, is the use of the mind and will manplulation of energy around us. It's hard to explain how telekinesis actully works, but meditating and foucsing on an object.

For revsil I'm a female that's 14 what you said related to me and me being able to move objects with my mind, so for females is it easier to peform telekinesis.
revsilverson (guest)
16 years ago (2009-08-18)
the bio-chemical and electro-magnetic forces in the human body of pre-pubescent children seem to come into a state of flux or change that causes them to be able to move objects at will or without thinking about it. Scientists still don't know why this is but I'm cetrain it has something to do with quantum particle interaction that causes a disturbance in the field of matter. It is similar to apports in that some highly developed mystics reportedly can make things appear at will like food or flowers. My experience with poltergeist activity has been with female teens just entering puberty. The poltergist phenomena is not ghost activity as some believe- it is an energy distruption in the composition of physical objects created by a physical being.

Love and Light
PunkPsychicArtist (1 stories) (7 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-18)
HELP! How do you telekinesis? I really want to know, I've always wanted to know! Please help! Like, people say "you move it with your mind" what does that mean? So, I was like, staring at a pen for hours, and I didn't know what to do. Please tell me exsactly how to do it!
kojimaTK (4 stories) (22 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-18)
telekinesis seems to be working quite well with me, I'm able to move pens alittle, anyone can learn to do telekinesis. I learned this and started praticing after I heard about this site for people who are in touch with their psychic side. It's hard to ask people in yahoo and other ones on question sites because a lot of people are very mean on this subject, they'll either call me crazy or stupid for believing this. Or tell me to just give up, I'm glad this site has been created for people just like me.
ace13 (1 stories) (11 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-17)
well at least you don't get over whelmed right? If you need any help with talking bout your emotions. Well I'm a empath. I can help you. ❤
PunkPsychicArtist (1 stories) (7 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-16)
oh my god that is so cool I've always wanted to be Telekinetic, but I don't know how. How do you do it? I really want to do something like, trow a pillow at my enemy's face. Hehe...
kojimaTK (4 stories) (22 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-16)
okay I'll do that, it sounds like it will work for me. I don't like looking at the psi wheel for hours.
Johnathan (1 stories) (29 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-15)
Try holding the psi wheel and flow your energy into it and then try to turn it with your mind. Thats what I do when I don't feel like stareing at it. It works faster for me. 😊 am 16
kojimaTK (4 stories) (22 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-15)
yeah meditation seems to work a lot now. So far its working nicely. I'm almost able to turn the psi wheel.
finalearranger (2 stories) (2 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-13)
Yea, I'm 14 years old, and I found out that I could move psi wheels 2 years ago, but yea, meditation would help a lot. Good luck
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-13)
I am 13 to but you need to concentrate more I can make the psi wheel turn alittle but you need to meditate to get more controll over it.

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