This has been an event that has made quite a pivot in my life. I had just begun meditating and focusing on clairvoyance. Almost a week in I was coming home at around 2 am, and I saw a small boy run out to hide behind a car. I was surprised a child was out so late, so I slowed down and turned my signal on so the kid would be less scared. He then steps through the car, and points directly at me. His eyes lit up and almost blinded me, and it felt as if my chest had exploded with fire. I panicked and sped home. Since then I've had trouble sleeping for a while and would see eyes under my eyelids staring back at me. The weird thing is that I would talk about him to my friends, and they would get an exact image of what he looked like without me describing him. Its also once I think about him and his actions, He immediately comes to me, with some affinity towards my spirit. I feel as if my life itself gets smothered and my inner becomes very weak. Even with that, I wonder if he is of negative intention or not, because I've seen him on numerous occasions, but only of him running and hiding around my car. As with the first time that I've seen him, I was feeling depressed and very unhappy when I encountered him along with every time I've seen him. It's possible he's trying to keep me on a track where I stay positive. When I'm happy, I don't notice his presence as much, So I can't tell if he's just not doing anything or if he's not around me.
After a while I noticed it's becoming easier to sleep gradually as I take him off my mind less and less. Soon I had an experience where I was dreaming that I was on my bed and I saw his arm pointing from my head, then I shot up forward and was sitting up facing my window. I wasn't scared at this point, I was calm and confused. I was sleeping like a baby for weeks on until a couple days ago. Now he's come back to harass me in my sleep and I try to send him to the light and keep him out of my house. Being a child, he's very persistent and gets upset a lot.
I'm not sure how to handle it, I have a feeling he was my mischievous side when I was playing alone as a child to only a few years ago, giving me great ideas like throwing milkshakes and tacos at cars. I gave up that destructive part of me briefly before I first saw him. I also apologize if this counts as a haunting, but I do communicate with him and have had other psychic experiences. Any thoughts, advice or ideas would be wonderful!