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I recently had an attic built in the top floor of my house. After it was built we made it into my bedroom, and I started sleeping in it from that day. I slept perfectly for the first few months.

Although just recently I encountered some sort of spirit. I was very tired and went up to my room to go to sleep. It a few moments after I had got into bed I felt the presence of something. I kept on feeling the presence for a few days, but didn't think anything of it.

Then one night I got into bed. I didn't know what time it was or anything. I was lying down straight on my bed. I could feel it again. Suddenly I felt something go inside me and for roughly 5 seconds I could not control myself. My body was stretched to the max and a loud deep scream came from my mouth (it wasn't my voice). A few seconds later it left me and I just ran downstairs really fast, I was so scared I didn't even put the light on.

I banged on my sister's door (the closest to me). Surprisingly she opened it very quickly and she knew it was me because she said my name even though it was too dark to see my face. I checked the time once I was in her room and it read roughly 3:04 am.

The next day came and my sister told me that the night I had been possessed she was expecting me to knock on her door and she didn't know why. This made me even more freaked out. Well, I won't ever be sleeping the attic room again that's for sure, and soon it will be blessed.

If you have any idea of what it could have been or any info at all please let me know!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, scary3am, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

scary3am (1 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-20)
I wake up whenever it goes inside me. It's like I wake up automatically. But I can feel it when the spirit enters me.

The spirit wasn't present the night after I asked the it to leave, because it didn't go inside me and I couldn't feel it.

Thank you everyone for all your help!

😆 😆 😆
academylin (14 stories) (303 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-19)
Hi scary,
Quite a debate going on here! (smile)
If you were asleep, how then are you so sure that you were/are imobilised? I don't get it, if you are asleep, then your consciousness is "not there", thus you shouldn't realise that you are "paralysed" can you explain again carefully? Please?
Lin x 😊 (Iam only trying to understand)
scary3am (1 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-19)
First of all I will answer "academylin's" question.

No, I was asleep when the spirit had enetered my body.

Last night, at roughly 12:30am I asked the spirit to go someplace else and leave the house. Later that night while asleep it went inside me again, I tryed asking it again while it was inside me but no sound came out of my mouth. I was trying very hard to speak but it wouldn't work.

After it left me I asked again. I will have to check tonight if its gone. If not I will call a psychic.
revsilverson (guest)
16 years ago (2009-02-19)
so how are things going scary3am? Have things settled down for you? If not, what is happening now?

Love and Light
revsilverson (guest)
16 years ago (2009-02-19)
from my experience working as a psychic investigator and working with other investigators, the first thing you want to do is reassure the person undergoing the experience and keep their energy positive. Whether it is a spirit visitation or a night terror or whatever, it still is unsettling to that person. In the case of negative energy entities (which rarely occur), they will thrive on the fear of the person and might escalate their activities so reducing the fear factor of the person and keeping them calm is very important.

The second thing is to determine the cause the symptoms the person is describing and to rule out any non-psychic possibilities. But in this case I sense an older female presence who is not there to harm anyone.

Having the person ask the spirit to leave accomplishes 3 things: 1) the person feels more in control of the situation and 2) if the symptoms are psychological in nature rather than psychic, taking action like this creates empowerment in the person and the symptoms may dissappear and 3) if it is a spirit, many times they will simply go away.

These are the basic first steps to investigating a possible psychic manifestation. Most investigators do not advise starting out with a prayer or oils or anything else as these things could enrage a negative energy entity if one is present. Also praying and/or using other tools might raise the anxiety level of the person undergoing the experience thereby increasing the person's fear and possibly feeding a negative energy entity.

If the spirit does not leave after being asked, getting a trusted psychic involved is the next step: one who will determine what steps need to be taken next, if any.

Love and Light
Albator (2 stories) (46 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-19)
Hi academylin - my very first response was to scary if you look at my initial post, and I have kept an eye on how the story develops because it could also be of great interest to many, so please don't narrow this down to an argument. The purpose of this website is (I think) also for people to share not just experiences, but also opinions. My advise is to be cautious, especially with things who take possession of you. I am also trying to understand, which is why I challange.
academylin (14 stories) (303 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-19)
Scary Hi,

You guys arguing isn't even teaching Scary the basics!

Initially for your own protection say a prayer for Archangel Michael to help in protecting you, he is chief protector amongst the angels and to encourage him to you, nip down the gem store and pick up a carbuncle... These are sometimes difficult to come by, so a red jasper or garnet is fine too. Angelica oil (which is used in exorcisms incidently) placed on a tissue and under your pillow will encourage Michaels protection too.

You can dowse the area with this oil also, to aid your security.
In one of your responses, you say that it immobilised you again, when was this exactly? Was it just as you were approaching sleep?


Albator (2 stories) (46 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-19)
revsilverson - are you saying that because one fears the unknown they will somehow make evil manifest itself? When you read scary's account above it is a normal reaction that one could be scared, and I wouldn't call that being juvenile either, which by the way is a condescending thing to say. I find your views to be a little simplistic and I disagree that those unfortunate ones who may have had a bad encounter somehow provoked it, as they encounter often preceeded the emotional reaction.
I do believe there is a lot we still need to learn & understand from the spirit world yes, and this will indeed help us takle situations in a more fruitful manner, but saying that being scared is an unfair reaction towards spirits or childlike is pushing it. Since you've 'been working with spirits for 35 years' why don't you publish a story or two.
For my part I still think that when dealing with something we are only just beginning to understand one should not make statements such as 'She won't hurt you'. In this case maybe you're right, yet again you could be wrong.
TaylorHatesLove (11 stories) (93 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-18)
I don't know much about that, but try talking to a priest or a demonologist. They can perform a ceremony to hopefully get rid of whatever spirit is trying to take over you.
revsilverson (guest)
16 years ago (2009-02-18)
dear scary and albator- spirits hurting people is very rare. Talking to a spirit is not going to make the situation worse, it might make it better. Of course this doesn't mean to invite the spirit into your body and in my previous post I advised getting a psychic in to help if needed.

I have read about fear a lot on this sight. Fear and time are the 2 things that confine our experience the most. We create fear through conscious effort. If you want evil to be part of a spirit visitation you can manifest it. If you don't, it won't manifest. Being giddy or titillated or unnerved about the spirit world is very juvenile and restrictive. The sooner you look at spirit in a non-emotional manner the more you will benefit. Spirits need help too- they are mostly trying to finish up some business before they leave this plane. Focusing on the reports of the negative spirit energies is very unfair as it is human nature to lean toward the negative and blow it out of proportion. Humankind is still childlike in this respect. Let's all evolve into beings who understand that our physical senses are limited and that our psychic senses exist. Let time and fear be removed from our lives so that we may advance the positive nature of our being.

Love and Light
Albator (2 stories) (46 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-18)
scary3am - if you don't feel up to it get help from someone else, these are not petty things and anyone not comfortable with them has the right to not want to deal with them alone. But if you want to continue living where you do in peace then something needs to be done.
Revsilverson - I'm not so sure spirits cannot hurt... There have been reports of evil entities and I would be careful about telling someone with close to zero 'experience' they can go ahead unarmed so to speak in full trust nothing will happen.
I'm not saying this to scare anyone either, just saying consider things can happen and it's always better to know a bit about who/what you're dealing with.
scary3am (1 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-18)
Last night I slept downstairs away from the attic, but it followed me. It then went inside me again and I couldn't move, talk or anything. This time it didn't say anything though.

I will try and talk to it tonight.
revsilverson (guest)
16 years ago (2009-02-18)
you can commune with the spirit without it having to be inside someone else. Just talk to the air in the attic. Don't be scared- it is a very natural part of existence. I've been working with spirits for 35 years. She won't hurt you- only your fear will hurt you.

Love and Light
hound7 (31 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-17)
OH, one more thing I forgot to mention... (sorry for the lengthy message)
I... Don't think moving out of the attic would help the situation... These... Things, that were so attracted to me, were able to roam where they pleased. (downstairs, upstairs, outside...) but their MAIN haunt was the downstairs-area. Like their spiritual "safe-house".

Maybe something similar decided to move into your new attic?
If there's one thing I know... It's that these things WEREN'T ALWAYS in my house. When I was little, I didn't sense them. They CAME from elsewhere.

Good luck,
hound7 (31 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-17)
this... Is... Very similar to something that happened to me. I never really categorized it as possession, though. I've always thought of possession as a more long-term thing.
I'm a medium/empath/psychic... Training myself to become a shaman of sorts. Beings such as these... Ugh...
To make a long story short, two demonic spirits moved into my old-house WHILE WE WERE TRYING TO SELL IT, and they clung to the basement like trapdoor spiders. They chased me... They... Followed me... Even OUT of the house! And sometimes... They would... Enter into me, I would feel this cold wind inside of me as they reached in... It was like they were trying to exchange energies with me. I would hiss, growl, even scream. Something inside of me just doesn't give into stuff like that. I'm able to fight them off now... But the house has finally sold, so somebody else can deal with it. Eventually, the two demonics just... Left... They got tired of fighting with me. I guess they just... Decided to find the energies they needed elsewhere!
It was no mean feet, so to speak. It cost me some long, tedious hours of cleansing the house by snarling & roaring. In fact, I have a hunch that they returned soon after I left! (to haunt the newbies?)
I... Can't even begin to describe the feeling... But... It almost felt like my skin itself was trying to change in order to "toughen up" and fend off the spirits.
Imagine fighting off TWO "energy vampires" as they simultaneously attack you... The strangest thing about this was that... I... Felt... Good, after. They weren't stealing anything vital, and I was becoming stronger. I know this is probably unhealthy... And I've conditioned myself to stay clear of places like this now... But...
It's like I have a little "demonic GPS" in my head now. I can tell whether or not there is a bad spirit within a hundred miles of me! And, whenever I enter a city/place of concentrated human/nonhuman activity, that "hunter" instinct kicks in.
The sickest part is, I feel DRAWN to them. Like a PO'd spider chasing flies...

Hope this helped,
scary3am (1 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-17)
No old female family members have lived in my house before. But there was once this old lady who used to rent out the bottom floor of my house, the attic was built just recently so I'm not sure if the spirit could be this old ladies.

Her name was "Peggy" but I'm not up to asking her any questions because I'm really scared of all this stuff. I think ill just call some one else to release her...

Would the spirit have to go inside of someone for me to talk to it?

Thanks for all your help
voulme16 (14 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-17)
i don't think it was a grandmother... Since the person said it was a DEEP scream
revsilverson (guest)
16 years ago (2009-02-17)
try communicating with it, let it know it is dead and nicely ask it to go someplace else. Or, if you are up to it, tell it you will share the space with it as long as it leaves you alone or set up another space for it to go. Otherwise you will need to get a psychic in there and perform a spirit rescue on it by getting it to go into the Light. I think she will comply with your wishes. She is a nice woman who deserves respect and love. She only wants some peace there.

Love and Light.
scary3am (1 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-17)
Thanks for the information I really appreciate it. But how do I "release" it?
revsilverson (guest)
16 years ago (2009-02-17)
my studies have taught me that possession is rare. Channeling however is more frequent and I believe this is what happened to you. You have upset the spirit in your attic. This spirit retreated to the attic to get away from the frantic energy generated by being physical beings. Now you have invaded its space. You can either release the spirit or live with it. I believe it is an older female, family member. Grandmother perhaps? Or someone who lived in the house prior to you.

Love and Light,

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