I married young, at 17, to a really good man. But we grew apart and I felt that a separation was needed in order for us to feel alive again. Not that we made each other sad, but we didn't bring each other to life either. Well, during my first couple of years of separation, I experienced very deep conscious dreams that it even left a voice whisper being heard, as I woke from each dream. Some told me what was about to happen to the ones I loved such as my older brother going to jail. I heard "Patrick goes to jail." it happened two years later, for something we are all ashamed from.
Others would be more visual. And the one in my dream, knew that I was looking at her in "A" dream, she was wearing black, and a long necklace around her neck, it was gold, and there was a golden leaf on it. She held the leaf up to my conscious eye within my dream and allowed me to see what the fine markings were that were etched out on the golden leaf.
I've seen a man laying on a rock. More like a stick figure, underneath a tree, and on the other side of the leaf a lion was laying with the lamb. I wondered if anyone knows what this might have meant. Another was like looking at a symbol 3 red Chinese dragons.