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Real Psychic Experiences

My Best Predictions Are When I'm Not Conscious


I'm not a sleepwalker, but my best friend tells me that occasionally on sleepovers I will sit up and talk in random gibberish for a few minutes. Usually she will tell me to shut up and I will. Last year she was sleeping over and I actually said something that made sense. She couldn't sleep and was sitting up reading a book when I suddenly started twitching and muttering, "la coneja, la coneja," which is Spanish for "the rabbit." I had just begun taking Spanish at school but my friend didn't know any Spanish at all and she had no idea what I was talking about. Apparently I started crying in my sleep. My very confused friend handed me a tissue and I quieted down a bit and went back to normal sleep.

The next morning after breakfast we went outside to play with my pet rabbits. We discovered that my favorite one was dead. I was shattered and crying really hard, so to take my mind off of that my friend asked me to translate la coneja for her. I thought she was trying to be mean, but she insisted that I had been saying it in my sleep!

I really like my pet rabbits, but unfortunately they only have about a three-year lifespan so every now and then one dies, and it seems like I always feel it before it happens. There was this one rabbit that was born on my birthday and I had it for four and a half years and was really close to it. The night before my birthday my mom found me in the bathroom losing my lunch and pretty much everything else I had eaten that year. I had a really high temperature and I was pretty out of it. I kept asking her to go check on my pet rabbit, which she thought was silly because it had been fine before bed, but when she went out to the hutch it was dead.

Previously I submitted a story about how my dreams sometimes predict future events, so I was wondering if maybe I only do predictions when I'm not fully conscious.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, AuroraRosa, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

AuroraRosa (4 stories) (16 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-20)
to caligirl123, a prediction is when you feel like something is going to happen before it does. A premonition is pretty much the same thing as a prediction. It's a way of saying that you think you have predicted a future event. Hope that clears things up a bit.
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-17)
Yes I agree with dreamergurl and taurusgirl. Many psychics can predict past and future while they are sleeping. I am one of them 😁 😉 ❤
Taurusgirl10 (8 stories) (113 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-16)
Many psychics have predictions when they're not concious, it's the best way to have preditions. I've talked in my sleep about things before. You are claravoyant. It's a great story and it is a gift to be claravoyant. I'm sorry about your rabbit.
dreamergurl (guest)
16 years ago (2009-06-15)
Hello there AuroraRosa-
Well, that is such a cool story! A lot of psychics find themslves having more premonitions and/or predictions when they are asleep... I personally believe that this is because a lot of people in this world have a really hard time concentrating because of just our hectic lives... There's really no time anymore where we can just be so calm and focused as to actually activate our sixth sense... So it makes sense that you are receiving the majority of your premonitions while asleep. I hope this helped1 If you wish to contact me, I'd love to talk more through e-mail! My e-mail address is on my profile page. Good Luck!

Ciao for Now--
Annie ❤
dreamergurl (guest)
16 years ago (2009-06-15)
Hello there AuroraRosa-
Well, that is such a cool story! A lot of psychics find themslves having more premonitions and/or predictions when they are asleep... I personally believe that this is because a lot of people in this world have a really hard time concentrating because of just our hectic lives... There's really no time anymore where we can just be so calm and focused as to actually activate our sixth sense... So it makes sense that you are receiving the majority of your premonitions while asleep. I hope this helped! If you wish to contact me, I'd love to talk more through e-mail! My e-mail address is on my profile page. Good Luck!

Ciao for Now--
Annie ❤
CaliGirl123 (4 stories) (16 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-15)
whats a predacation I know what a premonition is but what's a predacation

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