I'm really new to this whole psychic thing. Not that I haven't sort of been into it, but anyway, I'm realizing that I'm seeing more and more "psychic activity" in my life lately though the last two or three years or so. I'm just wondering if someone can help me with it all.
First I have been having there dreams, more like deja vu dreams (I know the thing said that this is not a dream interpretation site but just continue reading) I'll be dreaming of something, usually nothing big, of something like me and my friends talking or doing something, then within the next day or two it would happen.
Then there is this sort of hydrokinesis (I've done some research) that when I'm in water I fell more energized and kind of happier, like I'm really glad to be in/close to the water. Not to mention that I have always been a good swimmer, good at any water sport for that matter. Last, there is the way that most of my cuts, bruises, or any other injuries heal much faster than most other people, but it still could be the "healing properties of water".
Last, there is this aura I see, but it's different for different people. Like my close friend I can always see their aura, but other people I know it's only when I concentrate them. I also think there is some connection with aura and music that I'm listening to.
Thanks if you can help, I would really like to know what you think.