It has been almost 4 years since I have known about my healing abilities, I went to yoga class with my friend, while meditating, I started to feel this flow of energy in my body, I used to practice meditation a lot, then I realized, that I have this healing power in my hands, I never forced anyone to accept my help and help only people who want it, my grandmother also has this ability. I always feel this cold energy in hands, so I know, I should heal this person. I don't heal people on regular basis, as I don't tell everyone, Hello, I'm perfect, I can heal u, come, come. I found, healing is only possible, if person accepts it. I once tried to heal my friend, but healing was not possible as she unconsciously refused my help.
I need advice about healing abilities, someone in my family is really sick, I was trying to heal her remotely, but I have her symptoms, feel what she feels, she must really suffer. Do you think I am able to heal her? I heard, she cries a lot when someone comes to visit her. I don't know what do, I don't want her to think I am going crazy,
I don't know if She would believe me. I'm lost, don't know what to do. I healed my friend but It was just inflammation, and that was different, It was fast but what about cancer? I feel this cold energy in my hands...
Healing means taking problems into my own body system but I don't care, I healed my grandmother, She is constantly having pain, later I found out she has kidney cancer. I could feel it in my body for couple hours after healing.
Do you think, If I was healing my cousin for some time, that I would cure her cancer completely?