As long as I can remember I have had an ability to tell if spirits are near. The feeling I get when they are near is indescribable. A few years ago I was alone in my grandfather's old house. This feeling came to me and it seemed to guide me into the living room.
There was an extremely old mirror in the room that somehow felt like it was important. When I looked into it though, I did not see my reflection.
Instead, there was a middle aged woman in a dress smiling at me, but when I turned around, no one was there.
I told my grandfather about it and described the woman in the mirror. His face turned white as he told me that his mother died in that room. This was not the only experience I have had.
About a year ago I was in a hundred year-old library that my mother works in. I was alone among shelves of books when I got that feeling. It came and went as I walked. Then I got the feeling that something was following me.
Of course after my previous experience I was frightened, so I ran away.
A week later my mother mentioned that a psychic came to the library and announced that it had a ghost. That was what made me realize what this feeling was. Since then I have had the feeling many times, but the spirit never did come forth.
I just have to ask, why are they following me?
Interesting story, I hear that spirits are attracted to psychics. If that is true then I believe that is the reason why they are following you. As we both know, spirits were once human and as a psychic, they sense that you are a channel between them and their loved ones, whom they may wish to contact. Another possibility is that they want to be remembered, as a Christian I am taught to pray for the dead to atone for sins of the past. It could be any one of those possibilities or even something completely different.
I hope you find your answer in the comments that I and the others have given you. I wish to read more about your experiences and I hope you write more about them.
Thank you for posting your stories for everyone in Psychic to read and reflect on. Have good day, God bless and take care.
Francois 😁