It all started with just seeing ghosts and other creatures. None of which I ever had a truly good experience with. It started to hit its peak when I was 9. Like every time I stayed at my ants house I would wake up to a man's bloody head right in front of my face. It scared the holy hell out of me.
When I told my ant about it she told me about a man who blew his brains out not ever 5 ft from were I was sleeping. When they had moved in there was still blood stained on the door which kept coming through the paint. Well at the same time I was getting in a lot of trouble because I feared nothing, I mean I seen stuff most people didn't even know existed. So my attitude landed me in the shrinks office.
At that time my mom knew nothing I intended to keep it that way so the shrink never knew either. So they gave me some crap diagnoses and doped me up. I ended up on zoloft which I stayed up for a week straight. They gave me elevill to help me sleep. During this time I didn't have any experiences I think it was the medication. Either way it got to the point when I was twelve that I refused to take the medication. This time my mom took my side and the medicine was gone.
Well that's when it all started up again there would be something knocking on my closet door at night. I woke up to a creature the width of my bed and head almost touching the ceiling it said my name and I hid under my covers praying for it to go away nothing about this guy was nice. I just had multitudes of experiences up to when I was about 15.
I was at my friends house and these ghosts were really violent. This was the first time I ever followed my feelings. This thought kept going through my head that I could fight back. After that I always felt their presence but they no longer showed themselves or messed with me. This was when I really started listening to my feelings, I mean I could always guess the right answer on a information I shouldn't have known and other things like that.
Well it just king of took a standstill for awhile. A month before my 17 birthday, I got into it with some people and my left side of my neck got slit a eighth of an inch from my jugular. Before it happened every time I would ride by the spot I could see myself getting jumped, I even told my friend I was going to show up at her house split open and her house was where my mom picked me up to rush me to the hospital.
Took a week before I put the pieces together that I prophesied me getting jumped and cut. After that I went to live with my ant so I could work for my uncle. I started to pay more attention to what I felt was going to happen and most of the time I'm right unless I'm trying to show off. Then the lights started, I thought my eyes were messing up but my vision's perfect. The multicolored lights are on literally everything and it's not orbs I can tell the difference.
The next development I can remember places and times I HAVE NEVER BEEN in this body, at least that's what I feel, it scares the shiat out of me sometimes. Because of the extent the memories go. There's a lot of others things, just too much to explain but can someone give me an idea why this is happening to me