For the past couple of months, me and my friend's hands have been going red and itchy and just lately my veins have been getting bigger and it looks like I've got light blue paint on my hands, but not all the time. I know this doesn't sound like a psychic experience but it is, I am psychic and I think she is too, but I won't get into that now.
In the past couple of weeks, I've been having dreams about me and her controlling water (like heating, freezing it and moving it, but I mostly believe in the moving it) and there's something inside me that's telling me it is and that there is some sort of connection. But I'm not sure how I could control any of the elements, I know a lot of people say they have (elemental mediums) but I'm not sure I could do it. I've tried training but I'm not sure how exactly to do it.
If anybody knows how to train up this ability, or can control any of the elements, please tell me, or if you know how to train up any psychic abilities tell me as well. If you want to know more about me please read my other psychic experiences as any advice is welcome.
I'd also like to say I am glad to have found this site and other people like me. Thank you for reading. Pinkbabe63 x