My mother has encountered a few spirits in her life and a couple for me. I don't know if it is in our genetics or what but I believe that my mother may have passed on her gifts to me.
When I was around 11 or 12 I used to see a dark shadow flash by fast in the bathroom and up the second floor stairs to the third floor in our house in Thailand. I never mentioned this experience to anyone until one night at dinner time. My mother decided to bring up her experience with "the shadow" at home. We came to find out that her, two of my other siblings, and I all experienced "the shadow" by the staircase.
Years later we found out from my grandparents (they has the house built for my parents) that while the house was being built for our family the man who was building the staircase fell to his death from the 3rd floor down. I've now been living in the states for over 10 years and haven't actually seen spirits but sometimes I do feel like there may be presences around me.
The one experience that I encountered recently makes me wonder if I am a medium. I went to a First Spiritualist church to receive messages from the spirits. I felt perfectly walking into the place but about 15 minutes into the service my head started to feel like it was swelling up, dizzy, dazed, nauseous, and I felt like something was sitting on my chest. My head also started to pound.
Next thing I know the medium called me and said there's a spirit that came in with me and would like to communicate with me. Also that the spirit is standing very close to me. About 10 minutes after the medium gave me the message from the spirit I felt like everything just lifted off of me. I felt light and alert. The air was thin and not heavy. And my headache went away.
Could I have felt the spirit?