I will be in a room, and feel completely happy... I don't pay attention to anything negative, nothing at all. Then, someone else will come into the room, and I will be covered with this depressing feeling. Then when I say... I will use my friend Anne as an example since this happened with her...
"Anne, are you overly depressed?" Of course, I think she is going to say no. Then I pay attention to more of it and will realize that she is depressed about a boy she likes that rejected her. She would answer yes and when I ask her why... She will say
"I tried asking someone out that I really like, and he said no..."
Also, I walked into a restaurant with my family and this huge fear came over me. I felt like hiding my face, and not letting anyone see me. I wanted to make sure the police were on speed dial, and have everything ready just because I was scared something would go wrong. I felt like there was someone near me that I did NOT want to see and was a little afraid their temper would hurt me. I looked around the room, and I didn't know anyone.
Then I noticed a woman that had a look on her face like she was nervous, and was eyeing some man on the other side of the room. When she left the feeling was gone. This happens to me all the time, and I can feel the emotions of the dead too.
I just wanted to know, how do I control this? I have felt so depressed, like I could kill someone at any moment if they said one wrong thing, but really I was spazzy, hyper, and overly happy! How do I control this?
Sometimes I feel this overwhelming love for them without knowing anything about them. The love is so strong that I feel like hugging them. Other times it's complete sadness and I do cry. Trying to hide my tears from everyone since I am in public.
The wonder of who these people are and why I feel for them is a question I long answers for.
Old buildings also cause me to feel emotion, certain smells in a building of wet wood or dampness. If anyone has any answers please let me know.