I wouldn't call it psychic exactly, but all my life I've had dreams of places before I visit them. And I don't mean deja vu, in which I feel like I've been somewhere/seen something before when it's happening. No, this is different.
I remember distinct dreams by the geographic/structural appearance. There's never anything exciting that happens in the dreams. I'm just in a certain place, which I remember in detail. Years later I am traveling in Thailand or rural Virginia and boom, I find myself in a place I dreamed about. There's nothing frightening... No premonitions... No danger... Just very distinct places. Sometimes I even remember where I was sleeping or living when I had the dream.
I guess this isn't very exciting but I have had very scary dreams that have very distinct and unknown-to-me-at-present-time locales, so I suppose if I ever find myself in those places I'll be on the lookout for bad things to happen!
I certainly would love to know if any one else experiences this. If I am predicting the future - even just a very small part of my future - I wish I knew a way to develop it perhaps. It has taught me that I experience the world in a very visual way and that the physical appearance and layout of location are always easy for me to recall in great detail. Maybe it means I am supposed to travel... Since this happened the most when I travel outside of my home base. I don't think I really believe in fate - but maybe I will get the chance to help someone or save a life one day because of my foreknowledge of a geographic area.
A building on the side of a mountain in Thailand... A public bathroom in England... A shopping center in Charlottesville, VA... Those are just some of the places I experienced in dreams before I went there. Like I said, it's pretty boring. But it is most certainly the same place I dreamed, often years before.
In one case, it was an recurring dream about a tunnel under a road. The tunnel curved and then had steps going up on the other side. Posters on the wall. Randomly I'm in Austria (only time I've ever gone over seas) and suddenly realized I was in the tunnel of my dreams. Down to the posters, the curve in the tunnel etc.
My suspicion is that it's some kind of strange "remote viewing" thing going on...