There are two dreams I've had that have stuck in my mind since I've had them. I do have psychic abilities but, I still question some of my dreams. Are they real or is it just a dream? I dream a lot, especially for my age and there are times when I know I'm just dreaming. But, there are dreams that I have that seem so real and do prove to have meaning to them.
One of the dreams that stuck in my mind was back when I was 18 years old. I went in for gall bladder surgery. You know, most people that have this surgery (I was cut, not laser) wake up thinking about the pain they are in. I woke up with much, much, much fear and thanking God I woke up. There were many doctors and nurses surrounding me when I woke. I still question today whether or not they had a difficult time waking me. Of course, I'm sure they wouldn't tell me if they did.
I have had many scary dreams before, but this one topped them all. The dream started with me in a hallway, everything was completely dark. I felt scared and lost. I had no clue where I was. In a distance, I heard a horrible noise. I could tell it was a short distance away behind me, but I couldn't see anything. Well let me tell you, talk about scared, it was the worst fear I had ever felt. I just took off and started trucking. I had no clue where I was going, but I just wanted to get away from whatever was behind me. I was just running this way and that way. It was like I was in some kind of maze. The dark hallways turned in different directions and it split into separate hallways at certain points. The thing behind me was getting closer, but I couldn't run any faster and I knew whatever it was, was not good. Well, whatever it was got a hold of my hair and started pulling me down this hallway we were in. Since it was so dark, I really couldn't see it. All I knew, it stood like a human. I ended up falling and it continued to drag me down the hall by my hair, which hurt. Then all of a sudden, I kept hearing my name being called from a distance. That is when I finally woke up.
Before I tell you about my next dream I have had recently, I need to say a few things. I have had a lot of questions for God, such as, "What are my gifts supposed to be used for and how can I enhance them to do just what they are meant for"? I have been struggling with chronic pain and have been told to meditate for relaxation. Well, meditation has been causing me fear because I fear pulling anything else bad to me. I can't obviously tell my therapist that I fear meditation because I don't know how to protect myself from evil spirits. They might just put me in the loony bin if I did that.
I've tried meditating, but this fear has been holding me back. I finally questioned to God, "How can I meditate, if I have so much fear". After those thoughts, I got a thought in my head to open the book I had on the table. I just cut the book in the middle and the first words I saw were, "Have Faith in Me". Not long after this I had this dream.
I was going for a long trip. I don't know who I was with and I was in a car I had never seen before. Then I switched from that car to a van, again with people I've never met. I have no clue where I'm going either, but I feel safe. In the back of the van were guinea pigs which were being held by someone. I thought that was strange. Then I got out and appeared in this huge room, which was brightly lighted. There were many people around me and I still have no clue who all these people are. Then two very young girls, one almost baby like, came over to me and told me to come with them that they had a message for me. They said they were sent from God. They told me to do my meditations faithfully on Sundays. I wish I could remember everything they said to me. Some of it is a blur, but I remember this.
Some of the people around us were giving me strange looks because I was talking to a baby like she was an older person. I don't understand that part either. Then they told me they had to leave, their job was done. They started walking away from me. Well I yelled out, "Wait, I want to know who my spirit guide is". And in an echo, I heard the name. They stated the name of my son's counselor whom has died this past summer. He was like a part of our family. An over whelming feeling came over me. I started crying. And then I woke up.
Has anyone ever experienced dreams like this? They both seemed so real. Is there something about meditating on Sundays that I am not aware of? I don't know. What things can you do to protect yourself during meditation? I think a lot of these doctors that prescribe this are not aware of how spiritual meditation can be. What do you think? I would appreciate anyone's opinions. Thanks!