I just found this web site and I'm anxious to get some feedback!
I'm not really sure when I noticed that I felt things others didn't, and I'm hoping I'm not just crazy. I have what I call shadow people that follow me around (not always). Ill turn around and ill catch a glimpse of them. Almost like they're peeking at me from around the corner. I've had my hair touched when I've been completely alone. I can just be thinking of something simple lik I really want some ice cream and my husband will jump up and get himself some even though I have never mentioned it out loud. It happens almost every time I have a really persistent thought and happens mostly with my husband. It has happened with others but not very often as I've never told them for fear they might think I've lost it. I get a gut feeling about certain places and for no reason that I can see want to leave that place. My husband is the only one I've told about all this. My mother has had many experiences with spirits her dead uncle came to her room after passing and held her down on the bed and spoke his name in her ear. She has a little spirit that rides with her in her car and kicks her seat. So I'm jot sure if I picked anything up from her. I'm very sensitive to what people are feeling before ether even tell me what's wrong I can just tell. And sometimes I know what the issue is before they tell me. I have déjà vu a lot. Like I have done this before like I dreamed it and don't remember. I am not sure if my daughters will experiance any of these things so id like to know ahead of time so I can advise them. If anyone has any thoughts on if its all in my head or I am a sensitive please let me know! Sorry this isn't too detailed but I typed it on my iPhone if you want more detail just ask