I know things are going to happen before they happen. I know what people are thinking. When I was younger I predicted my grandmother was going to die on November 24th 1995, and she did. I have also predicted my own death. I'm going to die in 23 years when I am 44 years old.
I was playing blackjack at a casino one time and before the dealer could turn the next card over, I blurted out, "I lost it's an 8" I had already 15. When the dealer turned over the card it was an 8 of clubs. The dealer had called, I guess, a manager over to the table to let me know I had to leave that table because there was heavy suspicion that I was cheating, but I wasn't.
I have lost friends because I had read their thoughts and realized they weren't my true friends. I've lost boyfriends because of the "gift". Some people will say that I am lucky to have the gift of knowing. The gift of bringing the truth to the light, but I'm not. I'm alone. I stay to myself because I'm afraid I might find out something I don't want to know.
If I could control it, that would be nice. I need help and I want to tell someone but I don't know who to trust with that kind of information.