I've been seeing spirits since I was young, Up until I was 14 I seen them in full body form. Now I Am 21, I mostly see shadows and can hear them trying to talk to Me, I'm having trouble understanding them though, sometimes they are really quiet or it's just mumbling.
Most recently though, within this past year the man I used to hear and see is now showing up in my dreams. He won't speak to Me but is giving Me a bad feeling like he is upset or angry, He is being very persistent though. 4 nights ago he was in My dream again and sat on Me putting pressure on my hands, he was only a shadow to Me but I knew it was him. A friend tried telling me it was just sleep paralysis but I know for sure it wasn't, I could move and talk but he wouldn't get up or talk to Me, he just sat on me, until I physically woke myself up, and It's like he knew I was waking up, I felt the pressure on my hands of him pushing himself off of me.
I'm not sure what he wants and I don't know how to talk with him to find out, He has been with Me for 3 years now, he used to just stand in my room and watch Me, but after some time he started coming closer, never physically touching me, but following me, and then 4 months ago I woke up to him at the end of my bed, and when I sat up he was right in My face just staring at me, again he was just A shadow, I could feel his energy though. And now it just seems like he is trying to get me to listen to him or pay attention.
I never really embraced this so I'm not sure what I need to do from here, I'm just hoping to hear and understand the spirits better.