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Real Psychic Experiences

Mean Spirit


My friend and me were trying to do a connection over ghosts. She had a vision about this young boy named Billy. We were talking on the phone and she suddenly cried out. I asked her what was wrong and she told me she was seeing this thing that had pale skin and horns on its head staring at her. She started to freak out and she told me she was scared. She soon banished that, but I have a question what does that mean? I was trying to help her banish it myself, when I got hit by a ball of energy. It hit me in the chest and I couldn't breathe. What was that! It hurt and still does.

I can also see evil spirits. They look like big blackish blob's that move really fast. They kind of freak me out. And they are cold and they hurt you when you touch them. What do I do? They are scary and full of pain and hate. But they are all over the place.

I can see auras, but not that good. I get yellow and green mixed up and I usually see white, black, and gray. The beginning colors! I've seen them for a while, and it's making me mad. I usually see the color's and now they're not coming to me. Gr.

I'm also a Psychic Vampire and I hadn't fed for a while and I had gotten sick. So I started "eating" again and I felt better. But I don't like taking from earth or people. Earth need's her energy and I don't want to hurt other people, that why when I see when someone's hurt. I take their pain. And I think I might have linked me and this guy because I take his pain and energy a lot so he won't hurt. Am I doing the right thing? Why do we have a bond now? Help! It confuses me. Thanks.

After that talk with my friend, I've been concentrating on the ghost's around me. I think I am beginning to see what they saw before their deaths. Like an hour ago, I was trying to do the picture test and I came up with this: A white house (I always see this house before every vision. Are they connected?) Running, Scared, Tree's, Big waxy feeling leaves, a woman, following her, Sacred even more, Danger! Faster, follow her and don't get lost. Dirt, I can taste it, noises. The woman has long brownish reddish hair. She is taller than me. She is my escape. Follow. Louder noises.

And then I lost it. What could that mean? I felt the girl's emotion's. She was scared and that woman I guess was/is supposed to save her. I guess they got caught. What do you think it means?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Elise83, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

tooyoung (2 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-18)
Auras are a hard and long skill to master, for me it came naturally, for my grandmother it was very difficult. Don't just banish evil spirits, I know its scary but you have to vanquish them, or else they will come back for more. And yes you probably do have a bond, if he feels pain ittl go to you. Stop doing that to people. It takes away morality. Pain let's us know we are human.
Elise83 (1 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-20)
Thanks for the feedback! I'm not sure what she did. She told me she banished it. And like I said up there, I don't take from nature, I take from people. Earth needs her energy. I like that guy too, so of course I don't want to see him hurt. 😭 It's hard to see the one's you love in pain. I don't mind the pain myself, I'm used to it. But the only time I feel safe is when I'm on church property. The shadowy blob's (demons) are everywhere and sometimes freak me out. I can tell you guys one thing. I most likely won't stop feeding off of the negative energies. I know it's dangerous, but I can't help it. I don't want them hurt, but they usually seem happy and fine after. One of my friends know, and he won't let me take it. He found a way to block it. He likes pain. But Yes. I live in America. In the border of north and south.
stayrr295 (25 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-19)
I think that as you absorb more negative energy more demons will follow you because they feed off of negative energy so in order to get rid of these demons you need to stop absorbing peoples pain 😁
hougi123 (6 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-18)
If you are in America, the remants of energy left from the Underground Railroad. If not, then good luck and I feel sorry for you 😭
Mubashir (285 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-18)
Well shapeshifter. If I am not wrong elise is draining only negative energy from people who she cares about and don't want them to get hurt or something. Its not that she is forced to drain energy from others.
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-17)
That is true and if I am right you are being followed by a hoard of these and it will only get worse if you don't fix it.

Mubashir, I think I have made a hypothesis about these "energy vampires". I think they were born naturally unable to make enough of their energy so their body was forced to learn how to take that energy from the biggest source around them, people. There are also some people like fetuzmuffinz who naturally make too much energy. I believe this is more rare than not being to make enough since there are many more ways of there being a problem of making energy. Look at it like diabetes because you can't make enough insulin and the possible rare case of someone making too much insulin so it has to release it into the body when it is not needed.
Mubashir (285 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-17)
Well she is dealing with demons and they are a bad news. Although they are banished, but this doesn't mean they leave you alone for good, they will come back for more toruble. Well you are right about balance of light and darkness in one person. What elise is doing is wrong, if she don't do both of what you told her. It would be a total mess for her. Much misfortune and not to mention she will be attracting more evil spirits and its kind of dangerous. So be careful elise and keep posting and let us know what happens? Take care and bye.
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-17)
Yeah, for a moment I thought you were talking about the movie. 8 mile and was like" what does eminem have to do with anything!"

You are just naturally gifted in seeing these things that most people naturally can't. What you do is try to imagine the natural energy from the moon hitting them and driving them away if you are outside and have a clear vision of the moon. If you are not or inside, imagine a ray of energy from yourself hitting them and driving them away. Also, stop being tafraid of them. That only gives them more confidence. Try to some terms show that you are shiz not to be messed with or you will destroy them bit by bit in agony.

Probably the reason you are" connected" to that guy is that he. Feels better around you and resembles it has having a connection when really it is you sucking the pain out of him. If you had heard or read the book Bruiser, it is kind of the same thing.
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-17)
I'm sorry but I believe the movie title may be called "The green mile".
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-17)

When she said that she "banished" it that meant that she sent it away or sent it back to where it came from. People use banishing to get rid of negative spirits, entities or someone who is "in your head" for the wrong reasons.
I understand that you are a psychic vampire but I would like to explain some things to you. When you take someones energy when they are sick or hurting you are in fact putting that same energy into yourself. If you continue to do this in time you will get very sick because your chakras will have accumulated too much imbalance and negative energy. And when you take someone's energy who is sick or hurting he/she may become weaker as a result of that. It takes chakras a long while to recover from energy loss. If you are going to continue to take from sick/hurting people than you should take the energy and than convert it into positive energy to protect yourself. Or you could release it soon after you took it. Watch the movie "Nine mile" and you will fully understand what I speak of.
The dream I feel is the nature spirits telling you that you cannot take from them without permission first. Nature has a bounty of energy but you must first get to know the nature spirits and ask for their blessings. If you treat nature with respect you will receive in return.
Hope this helps.
Mubashir (285 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-17)
Well trying to contact random ghosts is pretty dangerous. You can call demons as well. Kids shouldnt do something that dangerous you know. So never do this again or you are inviting more trouble. As for your ability to take others pain, its not a good thing. I know you care about people, but every human will bear his or her part of pain or you will create more trouble for others and trust me on this. As for the last part, you somehow accessed the last memory of that person who was later killed. Its more like the dead people are telling you their stories and somehow you feel what they feel. I hope you stay safe and God protects you from evil. Take care and bye.

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