I am a medium with psychic abilities. I am a cashier at a grocery store. On February 12, 2012 I was charging this girl I used to work with 5 years ago, and near the end of the transaction I felt a VERY STRONG presence, it felt very joyful, happy, and young at heart. It also felt like a warm, hot, honey colored person was close to me. It was a busy day and I had a long line of customers, but that did not stop me from running after my friend and her family before they went out the door. The presence was so strong it made me leave the check stand and go run after them!
I asked my friend if she had lost a family member that was joyful, young at heart, and a happy person. She said "Yeah, my dad. He was the happiest person on earth."
Then I told her I just wanted to let her know that he was there with them and that he felt very happy. She told me I was one special person because her dad did not like to show his presence to anyone, and then she said "Thank you."
That made me feel so good about myself, like something was released. But during the rest of my shift, I felt very drained and felt like I had to clear my head. I guess it might have been too much for me. I have not practiced any techniques to help me develop my abilities and do not know where to start. But every night I pray to the Lord thanking him for giving me the gifts that I have and I ask him to help me utilize and develop my abilities more.
This experience has made me feel so proud of myself. I cannot wait for more to come!