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Real Psychic Experiences

What Am I And What's Wrong With Me?


I'll get straight to the point; I think I'm psychic. I've had this thing with dreams or I'll see something that's going to happen somewhere. For instance, when I was little (around 4 or 5) I was in the car with my dad and we drove by an empty lot. I saw an ice cream shop sitting in the lot with a sign pointing out a new flavor of ice cream. I turned to tell my dad that we should get some ice cream and when I looked back, the shop was gone. However, I could taste the ice cream and since that a shop was going to be built there. I used to have vivid dreams about things that would happen either the next day or during the course of the week. I say 'used to' because I've stopped dreaming all together and I have no idea how or why. It kind of scares me that I can't see what's going to happen next.

There are many other things I am experiencing, such as lots of deja vu, picking up my phone before it rings and knowing who the caller or person sending the text message is before I look at the screen, answering the door to the person I knew it would be, knowing what someone is about to say before they say it, and having a deeper understanding/communication with animals (this is stronger with horses).

Something else that I've found myself able to do while experimenting with an injured friend is that I can help to heal someone. My friend had an intense throbbing in her ankle from a past track injury. I sat her down and explained to her what I was going to try. She told me that I could try it if I really wanted to, and that she would go along with it. Bear in mind that the pain for her was so severe that she was clenching her teeth and about to cry. When I finished and opened my eyes, she was looking at me in amazement. She asked me how I did it and I told her that I wasn't sure, because I had my doubts about trying this.

I'm 14 and a Christian. I don't know what I am, I don't know what happened to my dreams, and I'm asking for some help. I've been researching, but it's led me nowhere. If you have any helpful information, please tell me about it.

I'm also interested in expanding and enhancing my gifts, if anyone is willing to help me out, then it would be greatly appreciated.


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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, BlueEyedFox, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Newbegin (3 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-17)
I have been a psychic all my life since as far back as I can remember. My experience has been that I was born a psychic. All my life whether I was building my abilities or not I would and still do have experiences some good some very scary. The only advice I could give is for you to learn about how to protect yourself. That has and is helping me a lot. I've let my gifts just happen randomly through life and am searching now on how to have more control. Good luck to you and try not to allow fear to over take you.
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-17)

First and formost you are normal and there is nothing wrong with you. Second... Jav has a great point, as we grow older we change... This goes for 'everything' in our lives... Keep a journal it may help determin just how often and what type of dreams you still may be having.

As far as your 'ability' to heal a person... What you described doing with your friends ankle sounds like it may have been 'undirected' Reiki. Reiki is a type of healing where the 'praticioner' directs ki-energie and helps to 'heal' the sick or injured person. Try these links they may help...




These are all good links for basic information.


LunaGem (19 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-14)
I know this probably won't help, but you're not alone. My friend told me that she used to have very vivid dreams, but she had stopped dreaming all together, too. I haven't asked her about it lately, but it sounds somewhat like the same problem.
❤ Gem
barry2962 (2 stories) (104 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-14)
Enhance your understanding with this... It has helped me greatly...
barry2962 (2 stories) (104 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-14)
Everyone is psychic... The question is... Are they aware enough to see the magic. Many block it out because of beliefs and told that god doesn't work like that... But I am here to tell you that it is all God!
BlueEyedFox (1 stories) (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-13)
Thank you all so much! To Emerald7502, I have considered the thought that my dreams may have disappeared, I'm just hoping its not true. To Dreads, I didn't know that about deja vu or premonitions. I just found a book that tells you what things in you dreams symbolize or represent. I have no idea how it ended up in my house. One question though, how could I have a premonition while meditating? To Javelina, I've checked out what seemes like hundreds of websites, and can't find much of what I'm looking for. I still get dreams, but not nearly as often as I used to. Once or twice every 2-3 months at most. What do real healers do? And if you know of any websites that can explain anything to me, please share. I would absolutely love to explore and learn about everything I can. To budda, I don't know what's going on or how to help you, as you can see, I'm asking for some help too. I'm sorry I can't be of any help. To oklahoma50, my mom also has "special gifts", however when I try to talk about them with her, the conversation turns into an awkward silence and it drops before it's even started. You're lucky that you two can talk about this experiences without complications. I'm trying to learn all I can about my gifts but so far, research has only led me to one helpful site, and that's this one. I just wanted to thank everyone for their helpful comments and sharing storys/experences/informaion with me about this. You're wisdom will stay with me.

oklahoma50 (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-13)
I only have dreams after they pass away. I help them giving a message to a loved one or help them pass on. I keep a journal of all who I have dreamt. Try to remember everything you see and what you talk about when you wake up write it down it should help you. My mother never called it psychic she said it was a special gift and I have many just like her. I am still learning how to use them.
budda (2 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-12)
I had several exprences. One was I was at a flea market the man and wife own the flea market. I passed my her has she was talking to a customer a picture came into my head of dark water and a feeling came over me. A couple of days later she drowned tieing up your father's boat and fell in. Next Christmas 2008 my brother came in from California, I passed by and a picture came in my head of him riding is bike down a hill. I told him to where a helment. He said I always do. The next day we meet for lunch I hugged him and told him before he left be careful riding your bike on a hill please please. I asked him to say here don't go back to california. But he did. On july 23, 2009 I had this overwelming feeling and my brother popped into my had. I called my mom and sister they said my brother just called got both cell numbers from my mom tried and tried to call left messages but it was to late my brother was killed by a man in a car. The driver turned right into him. I feel like it was my fault. I should of got a hold of him sooner. And also dreams of talking to my Dad. My husband saids that I have a halo around my head every time that I talk to my Dad. And also dreams of a house that frame and people of light come in and seat down. My hudand friend came over weird feeling I had around her and she said that you are one of the light people in the house. I feel like, I am going crazy. Please help if possible.
Javelina (67 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
It sounds like you are going through a natural progression of your abilities. I don't believe the dreams have left you altogether, but only time will tell on that. They may only come in the future when it is something that needs your attention. Because you grew up having them, you will recognize immediately when you have another and thus take the proper precautions or actions that are called for. You may be a real healer, and if so, the dreams must now take a back seat as you develop this ability. I wouldn't worry, instead you should take this opportunity and explore it more fully. Do some Internet searches for this, there is a plethora of information just waiting for you to discover it. Look at all sides of it, don't close yourself off from any of it. You will be fine, your journey has just begun. All you need to do is keep learning with an open mind.

Good luck,
Jav 😊
Dreads (2 stories) (111 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
I've read that Deja vu is simply life is happening in the way that your higher self planned before you were reincarnated. When dreams come true that's a premonition about a event that might happen in the future. You can have more premonitions by meditating or if you have them while you're asleep keeping a dream journal so that you can remember your dreams- lastly dreams have hidden messages in them that mean something for you to decode and figure out what it has to do with your life and adjust too.
Emerald7502 (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
Maybe it leaves with age? I've had a few (one was really strong and detailed) dreams which came true, but they faded with time, and after a shock disappeared entirely. I think as long as you continue getting de ja vous, and pay attention when you do, the dreams are the next step. I'm not sure about the healing, I've never tried that, butI reiki sounds similar.

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