I've been experiencing ghostly/demonic encounters and premonitions since I was a three. It all started I guess when my great grandma Natalia passed away. A couple of weeks later, she came back to visit me. She had me sit on her lap and told me stories about what she used to when she was a little girl. My grandma had came in and only stared in wide eyed shock. It stayed like that for a while before she told me to come to her. I got off and went to her. When I turned around to say bye, she was gone. Just disappeared.
When I was five, I was at school and we were learning how to swim. It was free time so we were just wading around and splashing each other. Something had grabbed me from my ankle and pulled me under the water. A few minutes later, I had woken up coughing up water. The teacher had sent me to the nurse with an escort. Before I left, I saw a shadow at the doorway to the girl's locker room. It only stared at me with pure hatred and malice.
A couple of weeks later in honor of my birthday I had a sleepover with a few of my friends. At the party, I was with the girls and all of the sudden the door opened to reveal a pale blonde haired woman with blue eyes wearing a very old fashioned, off white lace dress. My friend Crystal had came up to it, thinking it was my mom pulling a prank on us again. It walked right through her. My friend Angelina had to drag me out of the room because the spirit was trying to keep me there.
When I was twelve, my boyfriend was killed protecting me from a criminal. A week later, I was walking in downtown and all of a sudden, a guy came out of no where with a switchblade and started to chase me. I just started to run. I believe that day my ex was watching over me because my bus stop was almost a mile away. I can't run that fast and I have asthma. When I got to the stop, I looked back and saw no one.
A year later, I was home alone. I was in my room, reading a book when I heard something crash downstairs. I went to check on it to see a cup had broken and shattered all over the floor. When I was about to pick it up, the cabinets started to open. In a split second, it had turned into complete chaos. Pots and pans were flying everywhere, the cabinets were slamming open and shut and cups kept breaking on the floor. When I went to run out the front door, I saw a shadow similar to the one I saw at the pool a few years earlier when I almost drowned. It pointed a finger at me and said 'Ambulavero de Valle Mortes'. After that, I went through the chaos and went out through the garage door and stayed at my neighbors house until my parents came home. When I went inside, it looked like nothing ever happened. I checked it out on the computer and learned that it was Latin. It meant 'walk in the Valley of Death'. It's obvious it wants me dead.
Last summer, my mom was paying for the groceries. My brother was talking to me and when I looked past him, I saw a corpse sitting on a bench. His eyes were soulless, face pale and his blonde hair was matted with blood. There was a bullet wound in his head. We stared at each other for a few moments before we had to leave. Before I left, I looked back to see it smiling maliciously at me, slowly waving goodbye.
I am now fifteen. Do you ever feel like you're being watched? Well I do. Almost all the time. Recently I've had a couple of strange things happen to me. When I'm in the basement washing clothes, I'll see shadows clear as day from the corner of my eye, hear something rattle or hear heavy breathing. The atmosphere around me completely changes and when I'm done, I run up the stairs and don't stop until I'm in my room. I almost get run over by cars that appear out of nowhere. Glasses that are in the center of the table will fall and break without any explanation. And the worst part? When I'm walking to or from school, I feel something is following me. I'll hear footsteps, breathing, everything but then I look back and there's nothing there. The strangest experience I ever had outside was when I was walking to school, I turned around for the same reason. The leaved were spinning in a circle and it looked like it was in the shape of a person.
Do you think I'm somehow connected to the other side?