I had a dream a few nights ago that I believe my deceased grandfather came to visit me in to say goodbye.
I remember the ending vividly, this also happens to be the part where my grandfather interacted with me. It was pitch black out, I don't even recall there being a moon, that's how dark it was, but it was pouring rain and my grandfather (whom I did not know was deceased until later when I woke up) gave me a hug and said he must leave, as he climbed into a black truck I,for some reason I did not know, Began to hysterically cry and I didn't know why but I couldn't control it. He closed the door and rolled down his window telling me these exact words that keep replaying in my mind, "take care of your heart." Β he leaned out of the vehicle window, kissed my forehead, backed out of the parking space and drove off slowly. I fell to my knees and hysterically started to cry again, the feeling that came over me was... Well I can't seem to describe it... Like my heart broke for the first time... Only it seemed like a heavy feeling as well and insanely real.
Well, not long after I woke up and realized I was just dreaming, but I couldn't help but still feel weird. I lied in bed for about 10 minutes pondering the meaning of my dream, after all it seemed random that that my grandfather was in my dream since I have never dreamt of him in such a sad setting before and I hadn't talked to him in just over a month or so, so it wasn't like he was on my mind in such a way that I would dream of him. After lying there thinking I leaned over and grabbed my cell phone off the night stand to check my messages, I saw that my grandmother had left me messages.
The first message I heard made my blood go cold. She said that my grandfather had died sometime that night and to call her back asap. This came to a surprise because his death was sudden and unexpected. So I called her, still a bit speechless, and I started asking questions like when he died, she replied in his sleep sometime that night/morning, I asked how he died, she said they believe it was his HEART... That right there just made my eyes fill with tears and a lump in my throat.
Could he have been visiting me for one last time? I just don't understand...it's not like I knew of his death before the dream, because then that would make some sense to me. It's the fact that I had the dream and then found out he passed away... Does anyone have some sort of explanation of this? I'm open to hear all thoughts on it.
This is also not the first time something like this has happened to me. I have deja vu quite often, I would say more so than an average person does, but I have dreamt of someone right before finding out they passed. It happened once before with my uncle, but I brushed it off as a coincidence. Since this is now the second time I'm curious if it's more than a coincidence.