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Real Psychic Experiences

Nature Spirits


I love being outside and I love being around nature. When I'm around plants and animals and am experiencing the day, night and nature with all of my senses (not only physical senses;D) I feel a joy and aliveness that I do not feel when indoors (the only exception to that is when I am around people I really love). Lately I have been interested in communicating with nature spirits. There is a forest like area around where I live that I visit a few times every week. I always have a lot of fun and feel very peaceful when I go, but today was a little different from my other times going there. Maybe it had to do with the time of day, it was around sunset and I usually go when the sun is still somewhat high in the sky.

Today I was walking for awhile and sat on a bench. While I was walking I had seen a small gray shape out of the corner of my eye twice, each time when I turned to look it had disappeared. The only reason I'm doubting it was an actual animal is because from where it was located in my peripheral it seemed impossible for it to disappear so quickly when I turned my head, and there was no rustling of leaves or sounds that should've accompanied such a sudden movement. However, I am still open to the possibility of it being just an animal and nothing more. It's just something I felt like mentioning. I was also seeing shapes moving from time to time. It was interesting, this had never happened to me outside before.

But what was more interesting was my experience with a tree. I went to a section of trees and started to lean against one, keeping my mind open and trying to feel if the tree was ok with me wanting leaning and trying to communicate. I didn't get any harsh or unwanted vibes so I hung around for a few minutes. I closed my eyes and did some visualizations and then kept my eyes open and just tried to keep my mind blank and receptive. While I was leaning against the tree trunk I felt a subtle feeling in my chest. It felt like my heart was big. Big and dense. It sounds weird but it felt like I had a tree heart. Like in my mind I saw my heart made out of bark. I don't know exactly what was going on and I don't know for sure if the tree was even cool with me being there, but I do feel strongly that there was some sort of communication going on. I'm sure things will become more clear if I visit this tree more often.

My question now is, how many of you have also experimented with contacting either animals or plants? What where your experiences like? One of my biggest motivations for improving my psychic abilities is so I can communicate with plants and animals easier. I would just really like to hear stories, I tried looking this up online but was unsuccessful. So hopefully you all have some experiences you would like to share here:)

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lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-05)
Hi kittens I have also login again after many months of not getting on. I am sorry that I did not get a chancd to read your post until now. Thank you for responding and for your kind words and encouragment. Again thank you and your story still remains as one of my favorites. I recently bought a young bonsai juniper and I have started to bond with it and its going great.
kittens_forever (2 stories) (27 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-07)
Hello Lilylove:) I just signed on again after a couple of years of not coming on this site, and it's awesome that you love being around plants and trees too! I feel more at home around plants and animals than I do around people most of the time, and it's so nice to hear there are others like me out there.

You said you try connecting with plants, and sometimes you feel it and sometimes you don't. I believe that no matter what you're feeling, if you try to make that connection there's always a communication that happens, and you always walk away benefiting from that experience whether you're aware of it in that moment or not. I know that hearing that took a lot of pressure off of me during times it was more difficult to feel a connection.

Good luck on your journey communicating with nature and the Earth:) ❤
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-30)
I really like reading this story because I also feel the same way about Nature. I love being outdoor with the trees and plants. I have tried connecting with the trees and plants sometimes I can connect with them sometimes I can't but that ok. I also would like to read more about nature stories but until there are new nature stories I will just wait and be outside 😁
Shiro (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-27)
Hello Kittens~

"how many of you have also experimented with contacting either animals or plants? What where your experiences like?"

I have had a few experiences that I don't mind sharing. To start with, I normally talk to my houseplants (who doesn't? 😊) and greet them with the muslim greeting ("peace be upon you") - and I normally feel a rush of good feelings at that instant, as if the plants are responding to me (but I'm sure any greeting would yield the same result if you are in tune with the plants). I also have had experiences of animals "communicating" with me - as in I "heard" them speak to me the way that telepaths can "hear" the thoughts of people. In most cases it was from pets belonging to family and friends, but there were a few odd times involving frogs/small snakes in my backyard and even spiders once. And then there have been instances where I remember I was worried about what the weather was going to be in a few days time, and I remember doubting the weather forecasts - and then I sort of "felt" what the weather was going to be. Its only happened to me twice so I can't really describe it, but on both occassions I was standing inside and it was like this rush of feeling came to me from outside and I knew what weather was approaching (wish I could describe it better).

Anyways, may god increase understanding and spiritual development in all of us!
kittens_forever (2 stories) (27 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-27)
oh yes, my yahoo e-mail address is meowcitykitty [at] You can send the responce there. Thank you:)

[at] violetstory - I will definately try that. It sounds like big fun ❤
WaywardElementalist (2 stories) (90 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-26)
Sorry I didn't respond to the email. It wouldn't let me for some reason. Do you have an instant messenger such as yahoo or gmail? We could talk there and I can help you.
violetstory (3 stories) (68 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-26)
I love all the stories that everyone written hear its making me happy and now I want to go out and heal all beings alike ❤ You know kittens_forever when you go to your tree, close your eyes and wait and feel/see if it invites you over (or any tree fro that matter) and then when they do put you hand on it and close your eyes again and now try to let it's spirit energy come to you and begin to form in your third eye (when your doing this part you can kind of send love out to the plant/animal from your heart chakra - imagine powerful waves of love emanating from your heart chakra. I feel they will appreciate this - it often works for me) 😁 Good luck on all your future endeavors - love is powerful ❤
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-25)
I literally am a tree-hugger. I love nature spirits.
I can hug or touch trees and I believe I'm exchanging energy with them.
Sereysros (1 stories) (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-25)
I haven't tried to connect to nature in this way, but it is inspirational now! I think I will try and post to you again with my experiences.
kittens_forever (2 stories) (27 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-25)
[at] natural_day_dreamer- I have read your story longing lion awhile ago, and it's one of my favorite stories I've read on psychic experiences 😊. It's actually been a source of inspiration for me. Although it was a heart breaking story, I still found the level communication between you too very beautiful and something working towards. When you have an ability like that, you take it with the highs and the lows. You feel the pain of other living beings, but you can also share the joy and the love as well. I'm very happy to find out so many other people understand and have experienced what I have ❤.
natural_day_dreamer (3 stories) (49 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-24)
I love this. Because there are so many times I've had similar things happen. The most recent strong one being on vacation labor day weekend. You can find it in my stories, Longing Lion. Id love for you to read it. =) The way I see it, people that are in touch/ in tune to the many parts of the world lots of people resist, neglect, and don't notice, are the people who are most natural. We're supposed to be in touch with nature, seeing as its where we're from. Its painful to see it fading away so quickly by the hands of ignorant people. But I do have faith Mother Nature will fight back, and win in due time. As cynical as that sounds. Lol
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-24)
I too have ideas, or premonitions, about global future which agree in many points with Mr Storm. I wrote down some of it in former posts here. Findhorn once will be everywhere - and industrial farming will be remembered as a perversion, an inefficient and brutal method which deprives Man of his biologically ideal profession and harms the Planet.
As long as we still live in "Plastic Age", or "Machineland", as an unbribable observer would call our oh-so-great civilization, let us have gratefulness for everything we eat, consume, and buy, and keep from all kinds of squandering, and try to have a yard of our own (no matter if rented or bought) where we can harvest ourselves and eat what Earth gives us for the work of our hands without machinery and money in between, for every apple eaten from the tree and not from the supermarket is free from the impurities of our collective karma. If you want to be perfect eat ONLY what you harvested yourself (which I never manged to do by now but there are thousands of courageous and modest people in the rich West who DO and let even people laugh at them for it) for this is sort of sacramental food. Hindus would say it is "Amba Prasadam", i.e. The Grace of Mother Earth materialized to sustain you.
kittens_forever (2 stories) (27 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-23)
[at] light20 - that story was uplifting and made me very happy. I believe 100% that this is the future we are heading towards ❤
taffyinky (4 stories) (108 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-23)
[at] light20: In a way that has already started happening with people controlling the elements. Being able to make it rain or stop it, maybe even control the temperature (?). I myself have been able to stop the rain and cause breezes to happen. I might even be able to connect with the elements on a higher level than what is normal.
light20 (34 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-23)
i like nature too. I wish I could sleep in a hammock every day and work outside in 70 degree weather.:)

Maybe through prayer in 2200 we'll create paradise weather globally, as some guy said it will happen per his near death experience:


"The future that they showed me... They showed me that plants, with prayer, would produce huge fruits and vegetables. People, in unison, could control the climate of the planet through prayer. Everybody would work with mutual trust and the people would call the rain, when needed, and the sun to shine. Animals lived with people, in harmony."
WaywardElementalist (2 stories) (90 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
You seem to have a very close connection with nature spirits. I think I can help you make that connection run deeper. Just email me. I love nature as well. Every time I go outside it brings me great joy. 😁
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
I agree too. Naturalscience that was beautifully told.

I am a nature freak myself.
kittens_forever (2 stories) (27 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
thanks everyone for your posts! I think that some trees are very happy to have somebody interested in communicating with them since so many people nowadays aren't aware of such communication being possible. They probably miss it.

[at] artsy1 - yeah, sometimes when I do go to the park there are some things I feel like I have to stop myself from doing so other people won't think I'm crazy, like stopping to touch the leaves and flowers on plants or something.

[at] naturalscience - that is a beautiful story and I hope you continue to grow great plants despite the odds:)
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
Read the story of Findhorn and eileen Caddy. This enlightened woman harvested huge cabbage heads on sheer sand with some handfuls of compost by the power of her love to all that is and of her faith in the Creator.
When I did my garden the first summers, in the consciousness that I touch part of a living body, the Body of Biosphere, when I handle the soil and the plants - some things occurred that remind to Findhorn though being not that spectacular.
I had removed a big crawling cypress shrub from the foreyard and sown wildflower mix afterwards. The place where the trunk had been was some of a problem, it was naked and I thought it should be covered somehow. What happened? A tomato seed had been in the soil, under the cypres, improbable as to where such a seed could be found, and it germinated and grew and coiled itself like a friendly little reptile right over that naked place where the trunk remnant was. This summer was long, the autumn warm and frost-free until November. Thus the plant even gave fruit to me, a dozen of fine "Big Red Ones" which I took two days before Halloween! See, this happened in Germany where tomatoes seldom thrive without a plastic tent to keep excess humidity away. Most of summers they perish from mould infection if kept fully outside.
And next spring, a sunflower grew without me having sown it at exactly the same place. It was a really kingly specimen.
In the flower-mix, one single fennel seed must have been, well, a fennel plant came out in my foreyard too. I cared for it in a special way as I like fennel and next summer it became a three-metre shrub that gave me more than a third of a kilogram of excellent seed for tea... I still cultivate its offspring. I made fennel half-wild in my yard. This I did with other umbelliferous spice plants too but this fennel is special for it has sort of been given as a gift to me.
Artsy1 (2 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
I've read some interesting things on communicating with Nature Spirits in books about Native American beliefs. I firmly believe that Nature talks to all of us but not many people pay attention to it. The Hopi pray over their corn and even in the harshest conditions the corn grows. It is even said that rainbows appear over their crops when they talk to the plants and pray to them. This past summer I planted my garden and talked to the seeds while planting and prayed and also kept a positive attitude. Strange as it may seem my harvest was abundant and plants were unusually large and healthy. I feel there is something to communing with nature. Of course you may not want to talk too loudly to the plants and trees as to not seem crazy. Heh heh.
WaywardElementalist (2 stories) (90 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-21)
I consider myself fairly knowledgeable on this subject. I have read many articles and texts on it, and have done field research myself. If you read my stories you'll see that I have a very close relationship with nature and nature spirits.

As to what was happening to you, you were connecting with the tree. Becoming one with it. This can be a very soothing and delightful experience for you. This also helps when trying to work with nature spirits, as it opens up communications and tells you how the tree is feeling and what is needed. If you have any questions feel free to email me at hidden_beacon [at]
newlite10 (1 stories) (21 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-21)
I have tried to talk to trees and plants. I love nature too and always have a feeling about how trees or plants feels. I also feel like all the plants that I have owned eventually develop a connection with how I feel. When I am frustrated, under stress, or unhappy the plants will wilt, turn brown, and even die if I feel like that for a long period of time. I will give them the proper water and supplements and this still happens. But, if I am happy they grow and thrive. I have also tried giving plants energy, I hold my hands over the wilted parts of the plant and feel energy coming out of my hands. The plants always look better (the wilted part falls off and new buds appear) the next day. I wish I could communicate better with trees and plant, so I look forward to reading others responses. Thanks for the post!
kittens_forever (2 stories) (27 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-21)
you're welcome:) I enjoy reading about them too, that's partially why I submitted this story

Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-21)
I always engoy reading about nature spirits.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience ❤
It was very well written.

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