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Where Do These Gifts Come From?


I am a very curious person by nature, I also have a couple of things about me that make me different. I am not sure that they are gifts. I like to read all of the far out stories that other people have experienced. One thing that leaves me hanging the most is, where do you think these gifts come from? I hear many different terms for different gift, usually someone has just put a label on the feeling or experience that they have. But why do some people have these gifts and not others? Why don't these gifts come with instructions on how to use them? I only have my very powerful spiritual experiences to pull from.

I think the Bible is a great book, it has answered many questions that I and many others have had through the centuries. In the Bible, God says that He will give us gifts of discernment and prophesy and a whole host of others. He also tells us to seek Him with all that we are and He will reveal His will for our lives and for the gifts that He gave us. I read on this site so many people who feel gifted and have no direction. Why not go to the One who gifted you? His instruction book, the Bible is the road map, answered prayer is your guide, and let the Holy Spirit be you helper to make the most out of your God-given gift. He promises that if we do this that He will bless us beyond measure and others will be blessed by us. In a world where there is only one true Giver of Gifts and and one who can only mimic the true giver, where do you think your gift comes from?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ohreally, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Timfaraos (426 posts)
10 years ago (2015-04-13)
Ohreally. God gives us natural and supernatural gifts. But satan can give us simular gifts, only to a much lesser degree, and tainted- in exchange for our soul. See my PROPHILE for more details. God bless! Seeya!
Timfaraos (426 posts)
10 years ago (2015-04-13)
At kahlyn. You say that "mohammad advocated the rights of women" say WRONG! Mohammad married a 9 yearold girl and had sex with her, for God's sake! Moslems marry multiple wives, they perform female genital mutilation, their women are many times covered from head to toe-with not even their face or eyes showing... In countries where strict sharia (koranic) law is enforced, like Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Africa, women can't go to school, drive a car, or walk down the street without a male relative with them. They can't talk to boys on the street. Alcohol is forbidden... That's islam for you! Most terrorists in the world today are muslims (ISIS, BOKO HARAM, ETC), who burn christian villages and churches, abduct, rape and murder christians! 3.5 million christians were slaughtered like animals, in muslim Turkey, in a genocide (1894-1923), and many more were kicked out of their homes with only the clothes on their backs: torchered, raped and mutilated in front of their families by GOVERNMENT SOLDIERS LOLOL! (see the gut wrenching best selling book, an autobiography, of a 10 year old girl who survived: "NOT EVEN MY NAME", by Thea Halo!). Yes, there are good muslims, but that doesn't change the facts!
Faithfullori (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-11)
Ohreally, I have been struggling with the issue of if it is a sin to pursue information about the gifts I have. I have seen auras and I know I am a sensitive person. I pick up on other's emotions and sometimes I experience their emotions - for example, once my friend was crying in church and I started crying for no reason and I KNEW she was crying and I looked down the pew (she was further down) and she was crying. I had no reason to cry, yet tears were steadily streaming down my face. She is a sensitive too and she seems more secure in that she can explore it. I am not so sure. I guess if it is a God given gift then I can explore it. I read your postings and I just wanted to contact you, but I couldn't find a place to email a user. Thanks, Lori
suitonryu (4 stories) (13 posts)
15 years ago (2010-09-28)
In my opinion, most people who fear their gifts. Are scared they themselves aren't evil, but they could end up doing evil. Like I myself was, some abilities show up and hurt others, other abilities show up and help. Some pop up without any direction at all. It's the fear of what could be that causes the fear... At least that's how I see it. Growing up with psychic abilities, I thought myself a freak. Especially after learning I was telekinetic, I didn't hang out with many people after words, for fear if it happened in front of people I would be locked up and studied. Most of the time I stuck my face in a marvel comic book yearning to be like them, how they had such control over their power and never had to worry about a "Power leak" from what I understand this kind of behavior is common among psychics. I don't have much control to this day, but I'm going to try and find the path. I can only hope god is with me.
Newblood (1 stories) (202 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-14)
You know what's funny I just had a comfrontion with my mother tonite because she dosnt understand and was scared of it. And I'm going to you a huge favor tomarrow our holy father is going to put the weight of the world on your shollders for one day just so you can see how some of us feel so open your mind to what I have said and pray tonight and tell him you agree to the Protecters prayer he will know who you are talking about. He pities you for your lack in belief for our father shall be the plants around the dirt benth our feet the wind in our hair and the strenght with in use. In the bible it clearly states that our lord works in mysterious ways... ❤ this was said with love for humanidy...
Cchic14 (2 stories) (8 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-12)
I think the reason is that many people that don't understand are afraid of the "Gifts" and automatically assume there evil. Its not always but it has happened like with the salem witch trials very few of them were given "Gifts" and they were presumed evil for them. (Not trying to offend people just saying)
ohreally (1 stories) (68 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-12)
Thank you JBA, and it is quite that simple. Earnestly call upon the name of the Lord and He will answer. He has made His grace, love, and guidance available to all. I am so glad that yer were willing to pray and allow the Holy Sppirit to join your walk at your confirmation, if not before. Thank you for telling the truth so that others can know.
JustMeAngel (2 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-12)
Thank you ohreally for this question. I respect everyones 'Freedom of Religion'. For me personally I believe my gift/penance is of God. Through prayer I have found profound clarity. I also believe that the Holy Spirit has protected and saved me from the pull of 'darkness' that comes with these kind of abilities. I was raised within 'Organized Religion'. Because of a divine experience I had at my Confirmation, Catholicism is the path I chose to follow. Thank you to all who have posted here. I have learned so much from reading about your beliefs. ❤
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-11)
I believe in the Celtic Goddess and Gods as well but some of my Spirit Guides come from other faiths... So I honor and respect them for a long time.
Winter_Lilly (12 stories) (86 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-11)
I believe in a mixture of gods and godesses (Greek and Celtic). I believe that the Earth has given us these gifts and over the many years as we have grown under the influence of technology and bad diets (I am one with the junk food problems) and I have found that it has dulled over time, but some have grown with this ability over time and strengthen the abilities for future generations and help their own descendants. By doing this, we help their abilities prosper. That is why, I am recording every dream, every experience and every psychic information in a diary which I am hiding in my house and will pass it down when I have children, which won't be for a long, long time.

I think that psychic abilities are a gift from the universe and Earth itself and that religions help us through the our lives (I believe in reincarnation hence "lives") to guide us through our time on Earth and in the universe.

Try this, go outside and look at everything and see the beauty in it. I find that I must pull myself away because of its beauty. That is why I think these abilities are gifts from the universe and earth we are their children in a way and they gifted us. They gave us religion to help us understand and they gave us beauty in nature to help us see true beauty. It gives us light and beauty.
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-11)

I view all Religions of equal merit. I know my faith where it lies but even Christianity has some good things of which I discuss with certian group of friends.

Islam at one time was concern about the welfare of women and Mohammad himself advocated for rights of women. I feel his efforts of Mohammad failed in this regard. Islam warped the views of the Koran in this matter.

Judiaism the path inheiritance is based off the mother blood line than the father. Women have a very central role in this faith.

Actually currently I find the western modern beliefs are more sexist than that of eastern philosophy,
ohreally (1 stories) (68 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-10)
Kathlyn, you have mentioned one of the most decisive issue of the Christian Church and organized religion today. I think you and many that feel the same way would really enjoy the non-denominational churches out there that just teach God's word and how it applies to our lives today rather than the stoic demoniations that have been around forever. So many denominations seek something that they can make doctrine about. My take and this is the same take as the people that I look to for spiritual guidence, on women in the Christian faith. If we follow Jesus, and remember, God's first covenant was with the people of Israel. He sent Jesus so that all others could choose to be His sons and daughters, so anyone that loves God and accepts the sacrifice that Jesus made to reconcile us to God is under the New Covenant or the Blood Covenant. Under this covenant we are to try our best to live as Christ would want us to live. Am I saying forget the Old Testament, absolutely not. I am saying that any Christian that is living a Christian life emmulates Jesus. Now to answer your question. You have to take the period in which Jesus ministered and also the location. This was the Middle East where women then and now are treated as second class citizens. Jesus was a pioneer in treating women equally. Regardless of what the Bible tells us about women, Jesus held women in the highest of esteem, and they were not all good women until they met Christ. The Marys including His Mother held extremely important positions in Jesus ministry. Many times His closest confidants were the women that served with Him. Much of this misunderstanding comes from the verses about women being submissive to their husbands has been taken out of context for several thousand years and it again comes from someone using their interpretation to fit their own needs or agenda. What is being said in those verses is that men and women share equally in all things Christ. If a man and woman are married and both follow Christ, for the marriage to work they must work together in harmony giving 100% each. It has never worked in anything to have 2 leaders. If a man is a poor leader the woman should lead, no doubt. But if a man treats his wife as Jesus has told us to, cherrishes and loves her like Christ loves His church, unconditionally, then the family will run in the perfect order that God intended it to, again both sharing leadership in the family. Now as far as women serving in the church, again if we follow the path that Christ sets out for us in His word, women are as equally important in the service of the church and in leadership and ministering positions and most of all equally as important to God Himself as a man. So, the Bible was written 2000 years ago in the Middle East, the important, life changing information in the Bible is just as timely if not more timely today than ever. It was written in Aramaic and old Hebrew then translated into the Greek. God made sure that the important parts are made clear and the Gospel is still perfect in its plan, but a few parts of the Bible that were intertwined with God-breathed scripture still has some of the old social context of the middle east 2000 years ago. I know that this is long but please go to Barnes and Noble or Book a million and get a copy of "The Message" or "The Message Remix". Some very talented people interpeted the King James version of the Bible in today's language. Get it, read it, it will change your life.
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-10)
Actually Ohreally I think you needed to search to understand before you can understand what the divine is saying to you.

It is good that you find your way for your path of the divine. To me Organized Religion cannot accept the female aspect which is very important to me.

I am more curious what are your views on women and religion in Christianity.

I cannot accept a faith that only values the one part of human gender than demeans another.
ghostgirl3512 (6 stories) (298 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-10)
hmmmm...interesting perspectives all. But I have a new one: Does it really matter in which form we see "God?"
I personally believe that all religious god/goddess leads back to one "god" Basically one Ying and one Yan.
Sure, I believe in a Goddess, and other's believe in God, they are both enlightment, and therefore, anyone who feels touched by their religion is enlightened

Blessed be
Lolli ❤
ohreally (1 stories) (68 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-10)
You are exactly right airwind. That was my whole point in posting. Not only is it about our individual experiences and journeys, I think it is about letting others who might be struggling with what there place in life is and especially with manifesting spiritual gifts, know what is out there and other's positive experiences. I am not trying to get hung up on religion, even mentioned in an earlier post that I am not into religion. I just want to see what options were were being touted out there and to let others know how I am daily finding the meaning of why I am here and awesome peace that has come to me in knowing and learning how I am to use theses gifts. The light bulb has come on and it is amazing how things fall into place day after day. I think I have also learned why there are so many people uncomfotable with themselves and this world. I think it is because the world that we live in now is not the world that God intended us to live in. I am learning that He created us to spend eternity in Heaven, and until that day we will struggle but, He has made a way, through Jesus, that we do not have to worry about eternity, we know that we are not home yet and that this brief life on earth is a preperation for an eternal life in Heaven. Do I believe that God made everyone with the intention that they spend eternity in Heaven? Yes. Do I think that it is a personal choice for you to follow the path that He has given us in order to assure our place in Heaven? Absolutely. I wish someone had shown it to me earlier, it could have saved a lot of searching. Please don't get me wrong, I am not preaching here. I am not saying that others don't have something else figured out. Just merely telling what I have found out to be true, it is real, He is real, and there is no other way like His way. The neatest part is that all He asks is that I let Him do it for me and place all my trust and Faith in Him and He has never let me down and He loves you as much as He loves me. The biggest reason that I can right this in confidence and why I am writing it here is not because I love you all like God tells us to, but because it is His love, through me that compels me to write this. If it was just me trying to love you all like God, my human nature would ultimately mess it up. Please understand that I am not talking about religion here, I don't get a gold star if one of you follows the path Christ has made for us. Once you have witnessed His love, His forgiveness, and His grace, it is just impossible to contain. I will not apologize for that and I am not ashamed of the awesome hope that is in Him and it is my wish that everyone be able to have what He has given me. I am not comparing beliefs or saying that others don't have anything, I am just saying that in the last 38 years He has never broken a promise, everthing so far that He said in His word has proven true. I just cannot deny it. If there are people here that are confused whether they have a spiritual gift or not, owes it to themselves to at least seek Him. You will not have to seek long because He is wating.
airwindme17 (1 stories) (34 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-10)
I am glad everyone on this site can deal with other people's religions well becuase if the world was constantly fighting over what to belive, it would be war all around. But if we can listen to each others opinions, then we can compromise and evenually, there will be peace. ❤
ohreally (1 stories) (68 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-10)
I guess that I am just a simpleton and everything has to be planned and laid out for me like taking a trip. We call life a journey many times when we tell stories. I guess I have chosen the path I have so far because the map that I use is simple but complete. I still have my free will but have chosen to let the Holy Sprit live through me and allow God to accomplish His earthly work in me. Not sure if that makes sense. Someone mentioned in an earlier post that they had read the Bible and could not get much out of it. That is because without the indwelling Holy Spirit to discern it for you, it appears as just a series of stories. When I allowed the Holy Spirit in, it opened up a rtreasure tove of new meaning in God's word. Things I thought I understood, I only had part off. This was one of the times that I remember knowing just how real God is and that He really is in control. The thing about God is you have to seek Him. He may strike some with lightning to get their attention, but for me, I searched and searched and found that peace that surpasses all understanding.
chicken1 (2 stories) (69 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-10)
Its definitely about what sits true for yourself, because if we all believed in the same thing how would we learn anything else in life, and wouldn't the world be a boring place if we all believed in the same thing. I think everyones opinions are important as that is what one of the reasons we are here isn't it. To maybe learn different things and to maybe see things from other peoples perspectives, Also agreeing to disagree on different things is good, it shows you truely are your own person
NIIZUKI (7 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-09)
[at] Adaryn7

Thank you Adaryn, you have opened a new path for me and everyone else. 😊
Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-09)
I agree. It's hard enough to get a group of ten people to agree on one thing, let alone an entire planet of them. That, I consider, to be impossible. I believe this is a flaw in all fundamentalist opinion: how can one way of seeing the world be right for all people with their varying experiences of life? I say this, because I used to be one of them. I used to believe in one truth for all, and those who couldn't see it were deluded. It took me years to realise that I was the one living under that delusion.

I find the most enlightened people are the ones whom have been able to rise above the pretenses of fundamentalist religions, and to see the illusion for what it is. True enlightenment is genuine understanding and unconditional love for all beings. Most of us are not there yet--I'm certainly not! It may take many lifetimes for us to reach that stage, but at the end of the day, this is what most of us are striving for, whether we realise it or not. We may give our deities different names, we may believe in heaven, hell, reincarnation or goodness knows what, but all this shows is the different ways in which we have come to understand the Divine and the Universe--in the wonderful, unique ways that mean something to us.

Peace and blessings
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-09)
I think the finding a path that fits all does not work. A person find what is right for them is the best approach. I do not question to why I have these gifts. I just do what is needed.
123hope123 (8 stories) (124 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-09)
I have alwasy believed that everyone (and I mean everyone) is born with certain gifts that our god has gave to us. But only come of us are able to unlock them form our mind. And as children they were unlocked because when you are a child your mind is open to anything. But as you get older what you believe changes, for some people. 😁
- Liz
ghostgirl3512 (6 stories) (298 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-09)

I see what your saying, but I still disagree. And yes, Earth may have been a creation, but the point is, there is magick within her. Magick that I practice as a Wiccan.
I have 'sined' so much according to the Bible, that I find it hard to believe that God gave me gifts. There is nothing you can say or do to convince me that God gave me gifts.
I understand what you are saying, but it is not my beleif.

-That path of Light is made with Dark-

Blessed be
Lolli ❤
warsage (7 stories) (39 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-09)
what you people believe doesn't matter, it matters what you feel inside, all of you people believe in different things but the truth is one and only, ghostgirl, the earth is like us, it is only a creation, it might have a conciousness but its still equal to us as child of God, of love, think of God as love, love is omnipotent and everlasting. It will always be there in our esccence. Ghostgirl, you asked why God would give us abilities even when we don't believe in him, we have a choice, he gives us these powers then gives us a chance to follow him, he isn't a tyrant, he gives gifts so we can follow the path, he won't force us, and he won't take away, what is already given. We have to quiet our mind and realize that love is the origin of all things, the earth lives of love. That's why it is being destroyd by us humans, because we lack love. And even if we don't believe in God, we would still follow our heart, which is fueld by love, and we would end up doing Gods will in the first place.
Peace to all
ghostgirl3512 (6 stories) (298 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-09)
No problem ohreally. Sorry if I came of offensive as well. I found that is dosen't matter what your spefic faith is. You can be enlightened by the simplist things. It all depends on what works for that spefic person. I had always felt that I didn't belong in "Heaven" I flipped threw the pages of the Bible and couldn't seem to find any meaning to it.
So, for me, the Bible didn't work, and I found the same peace you have with God and Christianty, as I have with the Goddess and Wicca.
It's all a matter of choice, and the same enlightment can come from anywhere, and nowhere, all at the same time.

-The path of Light is made with Dark-

Blessed be
Lolli ❤
ohreally (1 stories) (68 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-09)
You are correct. Opinion can be valuable. I am looking for something that I can put my faith in, not just a belief. I think other's experiences of what really works and what really helps other people is what many people come here to find. I am just telling what has happened to me tangibley to help me in this journey. I would never post something that I am not absolutely sure of what I was saying. Thisis extremely important to me because to me it is about life now and life eternal.
airwindme17 (1 stories) (34 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-09)
Havent you ever thought that maybe the opinion of people is what brings together fact? If we all put togethter our opinions, we could find the pure truth. So I think we should all listen to each others opinions so we can someday know the cause.
chicken1 (2 stories) (69 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-08)
What I will ask is does it matter where these gifts come from? Its definitely a question only you can answer for yourself. As there is so many belief systems out there, I don't think youll get a correct answer, shouldnt it be more about how you can use these gifts to help others as this is there sole purpose, other wise why would you have them? I feel as long as you use these gifts with good intentions nothing can go wrong.
ohreally (1 stories) (68 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-08)
Ghostgirl, I did not mean to question your beliefs nor did I mean any comments to be judgemental or dismissive. I was not familiar with what you were saying. Sorry if I offended anyone. I am here to learn more about others and share my experiences of how things have fallen into place and how easy God has made it for me to understand the gifts and how they are to be used to help others and glorify Him. It has given me a great deal of peace in my life and I have already read several post here of people that have experience the same. I am curious to know if those who take a different route experience the joy, peace and love that I have from my path. Just curious, who is "we"?
ohreally (1 stories) (68 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-08)
Ghostgirl, I did not mean to question your beliefs nor did I mean any comments to be judgemental or dismissive. I was not familiar with what you were saying. Sorry if I offended anyone. I am here to learn more about others and share my experiences of how things have fallen into place and how easy God has made it for me to understand the gifts and how they are to be used to help others and glorify Him. It has given me a great deal of peace in my life and I have already read several post here of people that have experience the same. I am curious to know if those who take a different route experience the joy, peace and love that I have from my path.

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