I've always thought I was slightly psychic but this is really weird.
About March 2010, when I was sitting in the car in a parking lot listening to the radio. I noticed the closer I got to the radio the less static there was, and when my hand was about two inches away it disappeared completely. I thought the radio waves were just bouncing around weirdly and played around with the radio for a little while without touching it. It turned out that when my hand got about three inches away the static would start to disappear. When I touched it the static went away almost completely.
But since then it has worked with almost any radio, any time. It doesn't work with battery operated radios though. And if it is just bad reception I can fix it but not if it's just a malfunction.
But here's what's really weird. My brother can do it to. I told my little brother so he tried it and it worked for him to. So whatever it is it's genetic.
Also my mom breaks watches by wearing them to long. They just speed up until they break and never work again. But it doesn't work for cell phones though so fortunately she's on time.
But ever since I have been on the lookout for weird things. So one day a week ago I started to charge my cell phone. My cell has a little flap that you open and plug the cord into. So I open it and it beeps. Whenever it charges it beeps. Over and over and over at about a rate of one beep every five seconds. Also whenever it charges an orange light comes on. (Green for a call or text.)
So I was trying to figure out how my phone was charging when it wasn't plugged in. Then I noticed that my finger was touching the outlet. I took my hand away. I stopped. I touched it again. It beeped. You get the idea.
Now whenever I use my phone I try it again. It works about 10% of the time.
So please leave your comment because I have no idea what's going on.