It was a regular day, I was really busy around the house, doing chores. Maybe this can be explained, but I had the radio on in the living room, whenever I was outside the living room the radio played perfectly, as soon as I stepped inside the living room the radio went staticy. I thought this was weird, so I stepped back one (which put me in the dining room) and the radio played perfectly. Stepped up again (in the living room) and the radio went crazy, nothing but static. I did this (with the same results) another 20 times or so.
Then I thought, "this will be cool if I can make it stay on", and so in my mind only I thought "radio, turn back on", what do you know! The radio turned back on and was perfectly clear, as soon as I took my attention of the radio it became nothing but static again, true story. I'm not sure if it was only because of the waves or so, or if it was actually some kind of paranormal event going on.
Afterwards of this weird event I repeatedly heard my name being called even though I was the only one home. If you haven't read my profile yet, I'm 13 now, going on 14, I was 13 when this happened (January-something), this happened to scare the bah-jesus out of me.
Has anyone else experienced anything such as this? What are (anyone's) opinion(s) on this happening. Normal or paranormal, etc?