It's been going on for a few years (or rather, that's when I first noticed it) but recently it's become more frequent. When I lived at my mother's house, I had a few TVs, all less than a year old, lose the back lighting in the whole or partial screen... Also, whenever my mother and I fought in the car, she always had trouble starting it or some sort of electrical problem would arise... Our computers would constantly be in the need of repairs and many of my electrical devices malfunctioned.
Since I've come to college (since September lol), I've had two phones randomly break (one's screen malfunctioned in many colors, the other just stopped working) and I noticed my laptop, phones, and iPod are drained a lot quicker than they should. Most recently my roommate's alarm clock starts making this buzzing sound, but only when I am in bed and usually when I am deep in thought. When I take long walks around the block, the street lights sometimes will go off and sometimes on when I walk under them, but you know what they say about that.
So what do you think? Is something up or what? I cannot find reasonable explanations for my terrible luck with electric devices.
Thank you very much!