As far back as I can remember I've had a wide array of psychic experiences. But only one 'ability' has remained completely constant and reliable for me.
I love the rain. Sunshine is nice, but it plays second fiddle to rain.
I will go out of my way to be outside when it's raining and will take long walks in the rain if possible. (No umbrella either.)
When it rains, I am filled with energy, no matter how tired or depressed I should be. (Thus my name...)
I used to think it was simply an idiosyncrasy of mine that I'd developed somewhere, but I now believe strongly that I have some sort of connection with falling rain.
Not only do I feel full of energy, but since I've learned to see energy, I can literally see the energy flowing from me.
I don't know how or why, but the rain seems to fill up my energy levels to beyond 100%.
Some of you may have read earlier postings by me where I've described my ability to 'project' my emotions and energy. I suppose I'm the opposite of an empath. I have been called a 'healer.'
On rainy days, everyone around me becomes happy. Even though most people I talk to claim to deeply dislike rainy weather, they will become instantly optimistic when I'm there.
During rainy weather I am 'projecting' full force all the time.
This comes in handy if I need to shield against something, or if I need to send positive energy to someone in need.
I'm not sure if it's related, but my Grandfather had the ability to make it rain by singing. Every time he'd sing, it would start to pour...
Ah, it should be noted that I love storms too, but if there's lightning and it's not raining, I don't receive the same amount of power.
The reason I posted this was out of simple curiosity. Do I truly have an affinity for rain? If so, where does the connection stem? Does anyone else have similar experiences with receiving energy from outside sources?