This story is basically to find out more about shadow people and things. For not all shadow beings take the form of people. The second point to this story is to impart the knowledge I have of them already.
I have encountered many since I started to become aware of energy.
When I was a child, I used to see shadow creatures quite often. I now believe that they cause nightmares. They cause pain and suffering. I also believe pain and suffering can cause them.
Some shadow people are simply ghosts, I believe, but some are of a class I call 'shadows' in general. I separate these because I believe the distinction between ghosts and shadows is too important to ignore. Ghosts generally don't cause pain or nightmares. Shadows exist to and because of them.
Shadows range in size and power. They are one of the most encountered beings, but little has been said about them. All that I have seen are black. Darker than black. They can be seen best in the dark, and from what I've seen turning on a light is the easiest way to drive them back, although they usually just find some corner or dark place to hide in, then come crawling out when the light goes back off.
I have seen some with glowing eyes of various colors. Some of them can be huge and hulking. Most are small and dart just outside of your vision. If you are adept at feeling energy, you will be able to feel their presence in a house or room. Some of the more powerful ones that have gathered enough shadow energy have power on the levels of lesser demons.
This how to deal with them. At least, this is how I deal with them. I believe they are the equivalent of psychic mosquitoes or flies. They are pests and shouldn't be allowed to get too large, or they can become a threat. I attack any shadow beings that I encounter whenever I can. This can be difficult at times because some of them are smart enough to hide. Just well enough that I can tell they are there, but not where.
White energy, pure and concentrated and directed at them can destroy them. Or at the very least chase them away. Most know better than to stick around once attacked. It's also good to use white energy as a shield against shadows before you go to sleep. I have to do that regularly, or risk nightmares.
I would truly appreciate comments and questions to this. Also please feel free to email me at
I've interviewed most of spirits (good and bad) and which if I combine the conclusion would be "A Human can only be disturbed by spirit when they forgot their God".
Always remember the Creator of Life/God and you will be safe whenever you are - a spirit.