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Confusing Messages And Outcomes


I'm not sure if anyone else will have experience with this kind of thing or not, but I want to put it up on here just to get it off of my chest in a way. I really don't want to get very descriptive, but to put it shortly I've been using a pendulum to help me with psychic abilities it seems to be a very useful tool for me. I know that I can influence it, but I've also gotten some very clear cut answers to questions of mine. Like I asked about the health of my grandma who went into the hospital because of a suspected heart attack. I asked my pendulum if her heart was going to be okay. To put it shortly I was told that it wasn't a heart problem that is was her stomach. It was right next day we got test results back it was acid reflux causing the pain and shortness of breath, at the same time I has just started experiencing the same symptoms my grandma was but I knew it was my stomach because I am 24yrs old and am in perfect health. I'm not sure if this was my empath reacting to her condition or what, but my point is that so far I've had fairly decent accuracy with my pendulum.

I've had a lot of bad luck and bad happening for me and my family as a whole. I've lost 3 horses in 3yrs all crazy incidents that are beyond odds to happen once let alone for these 3 different occurrences to happen with 3 different horses in the same house hold. I keep losing pets in groups of 2's sometimes more, but it seems like if I lose one pet another is dead within a week if not the next day. Yes I have had a lot of pets. Now my mom wants to get another horse I feel like it will meet a gruesome fate as well, and should stay away from any more horses until I know what is going on.

But back to the confusion of the whole situation, I've been dowsing to help me figure out questions that I have had about my life and my families. I asked if my family has negative energy attached to us or something like a curse kind of deal (which I don't exactly believe in curses but negative energy yes) the answer was yes. So then I asked if there was a reason why... Answer yes: then I asked if it could spell out the answer I got an answer that I can't quite contemplate, It said Killed ***** (a person's name). What was weird to me is the name it's the same name or should I say last name to one of the names I got as one of my spiritual helpers. I always found it odd that it would come through with the last name (this is why I'm not stating it...) but I always just assumed that this person who came through with the last name was my great-grandpa and that was that (as I was told I had 6 spirits with me and 4 spirit guides I have subsequently tried to figure out the names of these spirits and spirit guides the name of the murdered person is the same name as one of the spirits). So to hear that he was murdered confounded me because he was not murdered, he died at a decent age from age related illness I was about 6 when he passed I don't remember the exact cause but it wasn't murder. I asked for a first name and when I asked my pendulum didn't move. So that was the whole name, I don't know why... But I was starting to realize something was up that I've never knew about before, and that this murdered victim was a spirit that stayed with me and helped me! This is why I'm concerned though as I started asking more questions and getting more answers, the answers I got started turning into a situation that I actually had kind of known about already... I couldn't make the connection until I asked the age of the victim and it indicated a 0yrs old. Then a old story popped into my mind and I wondered if it was connected... So the next answers to my questions I do not know if they are valid or not or if I influenced them by what I thought. I can never ask or go to anyone in my family about this so there is no way to truly verify my answers, but if this is truly connected to the negative energy attached to my family then how come the victim stays with me? After all the negative things affect me as well as the rest of my family. I would like to rectify this if I could. Now some of the other answers I got was the name of the Father, Who killed this person, the month of conception and death, and the person who killed the person (was my grandfather's name... So I don't know) pure craziness. But after I received the name of the murderer, I wanted to ask another question but my pendulum would no long respond to my answers it just simply kept swinging in a side to side manner, and wouldn't stop, I even asked questions not related to this incident and it just kept going and going side to side (which it has never responded in this way before) I would even stop it and ask the pendulum if it would please show me yes and then no but it would just keep going side to side. Did I somehow influence this or is it something else, it's been a few weeks now since this has happened I've thought and contemplated on this and I still don't know what happened, but the minute I used my pendulum today to ask if the answers from that session were true it started going side to side, and so I stopped it and just skipped that subject and re asked the yes and no questions and now my pendulum answers yes and no in reverse! At least the one I used to ask about my family. My other pendulum has stayed the same... Does anyone have an idea of what may have occurred could I have really influenced it so that it messed everything up? I don't know but the whole incident really bugs me. (and as far as the whole murder situation what I thought it was going to be and what it truly turned out to be was quite different from what I had originally suspected in the beginning, so maybe I didn't influence it.)

So what's the next step I can't even ask any more questions about this subject because I can no longer get an answer.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, SmokeTooAsh, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

SmokeTooAsh (8 stories) (41 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-28)
Rilan- you are right, if it was just a miscarraige it shouldn't be anybodies fault. But I'm thinking maybe someone accidentally did something that caused the miscarriage, like getting upset and hitting a pregnanat mom can cause a miscarriage, or if the person pregnant didn't know then too like a strong medicine for the flu, and maybe they feel guilty, but because no one will talk about the bad feelings can't be resolved.
Rilan (1 stories) (103 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-27)
Yes, Adaryn, I think it would help. But maybe some crystals are better charging in the sun, and some better in the rain. You can probably feel which is which.

And Smoke, do you think the person carrying the baby had an abortion? That would make sense with a curse being on your family because of a murder of an unborn baby. If it really was a miscairrage, it wouldn't be anybody's fault.
Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-26)
I heard also that you could 'charge' stones if you leave them out overnight (or by your window) when there's a full moon. Do you think this would help at all, Rilan?
SmokeTooAsh (8 stories) (41 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-26)
unborn child, actually a miscarriage as I had always known it to be... From what I had always been told so I don't think initially I was wrong but then I do think I got nervous and possibly confused it. I don't know it's just strange.
Rilan (1 stories) (103 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-26)
You're welcome. My pendulum malfunctions a lot, but sometimes it goes through spells when all the answers are right, and then it starts getting confused. Maybe my higher self gets nervous and is afraid of making a mistake. 😊 If the victim was 0 years old, does that mean they were a spirit of some kind, or an unborn baby?
SmokeTooAsh (8 stories) (41 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-26)
Rilan, thanks for the advice... Both of my pendulums are crystal, one is citrine, and the other the one affected is pink quartz, I keep my pendulum with a black tourmaline and then a carnelian, but you may be right...I'm new to the crystal thing I just started doing this like 2 months ago, maybe. I tried it again today and it went in the normal fashion, but I didn't ask about the murder. I know that the spirit is unhappy about my search (not that I can see or hear him, but I sense energy and whenever I try and look up stuff like the tv shut off... Which means a gread deal to me...) long story, but I thought that dowsing came from my higher self and wasn't affected by spirits... I really need to figure what is ailing my family and get rid of the negative energy I the past is the answer but obviously I'm being stopped... So I don't know I will try an cleanse my pendulum and see what happens...thanks
Rilan (1 stories) (103 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-26)
Are the pendulums crystals? Crystals absorb energy and may have been influenced by your confused energy. If they are crystals, stones, or anything like that, you may want to cleanse them. Hold them in a stream of flowing water and visualise the negative energy and addend contaminants that were not there before flowing away. When you think you are done, which you can kind of feel, visualize it surrounded in gold light. They should work again. Unless the spirit or whatever power is behind them decided you shouldn't know anymore. Or the murderer is trying to keep the knowledge hidden.

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