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Real Psychic Experiences

Seeing Energy


Here is a quick story. So I was wondering, I seem to have the ability to see the energy around everything. No it is not aura's they do not really have color. It is or a white/milkish appearance that outlines basically anything that I can see that has defined edges. People, animals, trees, electronic equipment. I've always seen this and have asked others if they see this too, but of whom I've asked threw the years no one sees this outline around things like I do. Trick of the eye or is there something I am actually seeing. Like I said I am pretty sure I am not seeing aura's but I still wonder if it's anything that others experience.

When I was about 8yrs old I think (on the age) I use to see orbs of color especially just as the lights would go on or off I thought that was a trick of the eye as well but I was told that wasn't normal either. I don't see that like I used too. I'm not necessarily saying it is anything special I'm not sure. Just would like to know if anyone else has experienced this. I have also seemed to see dark shadows moving around when it is pitch black at night. So needles to say I do not keep my eyes open in the dark. These dark figures seem to have an energy to it but not notice me at all. I don't know like I said I don't look into the dark so I don't know about recently. If anyone has had the same experiences I would love the input.

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Averagejoe (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-27)
When I was about 5 I saw a maid walk into my room. She dusted for me and had bright turquoise eyes with a matching apron. She scared me at first but then I learned she wasn't evil. At least I thought before she brought her pitch black cat. She set the cat next to my older brother about 8 or 9 years old, who the cat talked to in human words. All was fine until he touched the cat who started screeching but the only two people who could hear the cat was us and the maid got mad and just ran off. I haven't seen her for about 8 or 9 years until previously. But about a year ago I saw this ball of Purple energy at the end of my hall way so I ran back to my bed and refused to open my eyes. That was a bad night. And last night I heard a voice call my name and it woke me up from my sleep. It whispered to me in a girl like voice just saying y name over and over. When I answered it stopped. My friends hears this too but her grandma died in her house. I wonder if it's the dead contacting us. But her grandma appears in every picture you take in her house. It's not a complete picture though it appears more as a smudge in the picture some where. Except people might think it's a smudge from a finger but it comes up digitally too. Has anyone else ever contacted a spirit like this?
lktm640 (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-16)
I found your story by entering search words to try to find out information about the exact same experiences. I noticed about 10-years ago the same hazy energy around people buildings and the same things you have stated. But my main search was for the night time things I see. Outside late at night I usually walk my dog. It's really dark out and as we walk I notice black energy? Things of different shapes and sizes zip through the sky not far off the ground maybe 20-100 feet up. Also if staring at any given spot a short distance away I begin to recognize movement, the movement is not of anything recognizable just disassociated forms from the size of a bird to the size of a car. Also sometimes I notice in the night sky not far above me barely visible twinkling lights.
And 2 times in my life during the past 10-years (I'm in my mid 40's now) I have witnessed glowing basket ball sized plasma spheres, the 1st time it was at a distance of 150 feet away, as I stepped outside at night to let my dog out I saw the plasma ball falling in a gentle arc starting about 30-feet up and as it slowly fell traveling forward, it was dropping gold sparks quite heavily. Then as it hit the ground it simply vanished. It was gold in the center and from the center out it had pastel colored layers of all the colors. It made no sound and the weather was clear. We lived in the country with no one around. The 2nd plasma ball was at night walking my dog. I had gotten no more than 20 feet from the house when a glowing basketball sized plasma sphere was gliding over my head about 15 feet above me and was dropping gold sparks lightly, none hit me. It continued going ahead of me at about 5mph until it was approx. 30 feet ahead of me and then it just disappeared. It was fuchsia purple and hot pink in color. It made no noise weather was clear.
I have seen 2 objects during the daytime both were of the same type object, a metallic sphere approximately the size of a beach ball if measured. They both and had the look of a shiny perfectly round polished ball-bearing if held at arms length. Both times I just glanced up and saw it motionless about 600-1000 feet up in the air, it would remain motionless for no more than 3-5 seconds and then zip off in one direction and out of sight in less then ½ second.
valentinebaby (2 stories) (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-31)
Interesting...I Myself have felt many times, like Satic electricty. This is when I can Highly feel their presence to be known, such as deceased friends and relatives. And I have even had faith in, Seek and ye shall find... And seen a bright white AURA around a stranger, that I was Actually meant to Find at that Exact moment in my life. Now as I am maturing... I have even had physical contact from deceased friends and relatives. Unfortunatly I have also had physical confrontations with not so friendly spirits. Physical on my part, because they gain my full attention by a tapp on my shoulder, a push from behind, and even by pressure applied to my back, like a full grown person is sitting on my back as I lay face down. I can't even feel my lungs with enough air to scream for help, so I had to force hard whispers for HELP. This same spirit, physically caused a statue I adored to Explode in 5 pieces, all layed out in a pattern, EAST NORTH SOUTH and WEST.
valentinebaby (2 stories) (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-31)
Interesting...I Myself have felt many times, like Satic electricty. This is when I can Highly feel their presence to be known, such as deceased friends and relatives. And I have even had faith in, Seek and ye shall find... And seen a bright white AURA around a stranger, that I was Actually meant to Find at that Exact moment in my life. Now as I am maturing... I have even had physical contact from deceased friends and relatives. Unfortunatly I have also had physical confrontations with not so friendly spirits. Physical on my part, because they gain my full attention by a tapp on my shoulder, a push from behind, and even by pressure applied to my back, like a full grown person is sitting on my back as I lay face down. I can't even feel my lungs with enough air to scream for help, so I had to force hard whispers for HELP. This same spirit, physically caused a statue I adored to Explode in 5 pieces, all layed out in a pattern, EAST NORTH SOUTH and WEST.
ManaSpirit (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-31)

I did also think I was the only one who can see energy
Everywhere. And I was also 8 when I started to see and feel life energy aswell as spirits, ever since then I see it all the time. I don't need to concentrate to see and feel this. What I see is miljons of very small white to multi-color orbs that are connected to each other like they are roped together. It floats and wirls from the sky into the earth and the energy what comes out of the earth that goes back into the sky I also see how other people and myself absorb this energy when I look at others or myself. I also see what happens when people have a fight, they do more than just insult each other they manipulate each others energy fields wich could cause each other serieous harm. When people are in love or feel as they know each other for a lifetime and feel like one, their auras actually merge with each other. We also share or energy with the rest of the people around us. What happens to the life energy inside us is our emotions memmories and the essence of our true self is added to the life energy therefore one cannot lie or hide ones self from just everyone some people read others through their energy like myself. As a young child I never had many living friends the bigger group actually consists out of deceased people classmates and teachers found me kind of weird seeing me interact with a world they couldn't see or understand. I'm 26 now and in these years I've learned to control my energy, energy around me and how to draw and channel life energy into my body and soul and strengthen my aura aswell. The aura is a energy field that has many purposes that consists out of life energy it keeps nasty entities out of our system except when you invite nasty entities in with a ouija board, occult summoning rituals or communing with entities in demonic haunted places you could invite them in, any other way you'll open up a doorway inside you wich they will enter. When your aura is strong and your able to control it you can do many wonderful things like healing people cleansing homes from nasty things and living a healthier life.
imyohan (4 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-18)
the microscopic effect, I see it always (when I concentrate), in my hands, flowing in the air. When I stare at my gem pendant, I see swirling dots/ almost hazy dust on it, in almost magical fashion.

I'm glad you're seeing it too. I'm planning on exercising more to improve the vision, I'm hoping I could see it in colour and sparkling too. That'll be awesome. 😊
Evangeline (3 stories) (7 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-05)
This does sound similar to what I'm seeing. I see an outline around objects to, but it has a more difinitive shape (it resembles the object). ❤
moongoddess1 (7 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-06)
Hi I also see orbs and the first step to seeing the outline of an aura in and of everything. When I was thirteen I began hearing voices and at the time there were so many whispers I couldn't handle it and held my head and just concentrated to make it stop. I repeated over and over for it to go away, I didn't want this. I was scared and didn't understand. I am now 23 married for 3 years and with two children. I have come to a much better understanding and every time I see the show TAPS or PARANORMAL COPS I feel like I'm truely not crazy but special. If you see them your not alone and you should look at the phenomenon in a scientific way. Learn what the colors mean. Such as purple and blue can be peaceful Yellow and orange can be healing and red is energetic and unrested. These beings I have found are just as complicated as a human being. They are attracted to love and high energy, some are children who want to play, some are dark souls who can't find a way out of their deppression possibly caused by a horrid death. At the point I am right now many "shadows" want to be scary, misery loves misery, and portray themselves as demonic. But it's like the school bully yelling "Im King Kong and rule here". The main thing that has helped is meditating and focusing on the love feeling, like when you felt the safest as a child remember that feeling and know that your love cannot be faltered because you have ancestors on your side who love you even if youv'e never met them. I hope this helps. Don't freak out these are just some of the dynamics that can come with altered perception.
Peace 😳
PureCheese (4 stories) (79 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-01)
Yeah your seeing energy I guess
I haven't seen the orbs with color anymore
Soon I shall be patient and you should too
oddexperiences (1 stories) (4 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-26)
Finally someone else who see's energy all the time! For me its like small golden bubbles in the sky all the time but they are almost transparent and I too sometimes see the "microscope" effect. Also I can see the first level of auras like you and today I was trying to see my friends full aura an got a brief outline of yellow, maybe if you simply try staring at the aura long enough you too can get a glimpse at another level of it. Does anyone know what a yellow aura for my friend would mean? I recommend trying to make a psi ball too as I find that it is possible to see some of the energy that forms it. Can you sense spirits? In my case I am aware of a spirits presence an if I try to see one then I am able to see an aura in a human shape as if there is someone inside it which is what believe to be the spirit but I am not 100% on this. Good luck and your not alone! 😊
SmokeTooAsh (8 stories) (41 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-05)
Oh I see, well maybe it is different I'm not sure I always figured it was an energy field around things perhaps different from an aura but perhaps they are one and the same thanks for the help!
pegs_deborah (3 stories) (112 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-04)
Really, I have to concentrate in order to see the outline. Could be that I'm wrong. Hopefully others will have some ideas too for you.
SmokeTooAsh (8 stories) (41 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-04)
Thanks pegs I'll keep that in; However I do see the outline at all times 24/7 on everything it doesn't come and go I've seen it always ever since I can remember ❤
pegs_deborah (3 stories) (112 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-04)
Next time this occurs, try to see if you can see more. It may be that if you work on this you could eventually see not just an outline but the full aura and perhaps then you will see colors.
SmokeTooAsh (8 stories) (41 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-04)
Hi JeremyRIP, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one to see those kinds of things. I do see the "microscope" effect I'm not sure if it's the same as you but I definately notice little things floating around I always take it as dust, but like I've said in other posts I have been dubbed a "sensitive" so from what I understand it's not that I am seeing something that no one else can see but I can see these things and connect and realize that they are there. Unlike others who may see it but then just brush it off and forget. The staring into the lights thing I definately get that as well. I thought it was normal but like I said I told my mom and she brought me to an eye Dr. And he said he didn't know what I saw and that it wasnt' normal so what do you do. I've always been very confident that the energy around things I see is in fact energy and just always assumed that what others saw too. Until I actually went around and asked some friends. I would love to meet someone who is for real psychicily and help me bettor understand some things. I hate trying to figure it out on my own. So perhaps you can relate with me a little just like I can with what I've heard from you. It's a good feeling 😁
jeremyRIP (1 stories) (10 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-03)
I have never related to anyone, and I deeply thank you for posting this, because I don't see exactly what you see, Ill try to explain-If youve evr looked under a microscope youll know what I'm talking about, tohse little things you see though will just king of appear, even when I was little, and they will just kind of float on by, and if you stare at a light to long youll kind of see the light still if you look away, well I see that too, its either purple or bright white, I see white shadows, black shadows, flickering balls of light, and I can kind of see energy too, but in human shaped form and itll move around, I'd ask and ask people if they saw this too, and no one does, so, what ever we both see, I'm glad I'm not the only one.
SmokeTooAsh (8 stories) (41 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-03)
Wow, I didn't know that at all! Perhaps that is what it may be that I am just seeing a certain layer of an aura. I'll have to try and look into this some more. I always knew auras can be made up of more then one color but didn't know about layers... Thanks for the comment!
pegs_deborah (3 stories) (112 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-03)
There are layers to the aura and my understanding is that the aura doesn't necessarily have to have a color. As a matter of fact, I was once told that the layer that is closest to the physical body usually appears as a white or clear outline around the object. Thus, it may be that you are seeing auras just not all layers of the aura.

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