I was just reading a couple of stories and I saw something in a few of them that I had never thought of before which was people talking about light bulbs going out, electronic equipment not working right and breaking stuff like that.
I am wondering if there is something else associated with the whole psychic phenomena. Half of my electronic equipment dies long before it should and it always seems like every time I buy a watch the battery dies before someone else's would. I blow light bulbs all the time and it drives me nuts. I'll touch a switch, and bam, there you go light bulb and they always seem to go out when I turn them on, not somebody else.
I used to always think that was a coincidence but maybe not. I also seem to have a lot of static electricity. I get shocked all the time, and along the same subject my grandma used to tell me stories about how she had so much static electricity back when she was young she could actually turn TV's on.
I wonder if this can correlate back to some of the problems I've had with my tv changing channels/volume and lights turning on and off on there own. It also seems like I have an awful time getting computers to work I've gone through like 4 in 1 year although they were used.
I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and like to add their opinion to what I was thinking about.
Thanks for listening.