On the 21st of august this year, I woke up at 7.45 crying, moments later mum phoned and just told us to rush to the hospital, when we got there, it was too late, mum said dad had died at 7.45 but didn't tell us on the phone in case we had an accident driving there.
On the day of his funeral the whole family was sitting around a table when one of those fluffy seeds like dandelion came through the window, flew above everyone's head and fell behind 2 relatives that didn't make it in time to see dad alive. 8 days later we were watching my brother's band and while they played a song from Jesus Christ superstar (I'm not religious but it happened to be that song) and the dancer was lifted up on stage as if he was in the cross, the fluffy thing flew over our heads again, went behind the dancer in the cross and shot very fast towards my brother.
I would love to think it was a sign from dad, he was also a non-believer and maybe it was his way of telling us that there's an after life. I would really appreciate any thoughts.
Thank you.
When you woke up, did you know that you had lost someone, or did you just wake up crying and not know why?