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Real Psychic Experiences

Medium Control Issues


So basically, I've been seeing things that aren't there for everyone for just about as long as I can remember, but only out of the corners of my eyes and that kind of thing. It was just kind of an inevitable part of life for me, and wasn't particularly unsettling and didn't interfere with my everyday life. It was just like getting the hiccups: irritating at times, but unavoidable and normal. But when I hit adolescence, everything changed. Suddenly, it wasn't just the corners of my eyes: these people were everywhere, and they weren't even like the unclear, spirit-type entities. Sometimes, I would just sort of feel them there. I get a sort of shivery sensation in my spine, then I get an emotion. By "getting an emotion" I mean, not experiencing it, but just like, knowing what it is.

I'm not too good at describing it, you'll have to forgive me. But other times, these people are all too real: I can see an actual figure, standing there, looking at me. I feel like they know I can see them, and for that, they target me. For instance, in the 1980s, a boy shot himself in my high school cafeteria. I've felt him on a couple of occasions, mostly when I stop in there after school to get something to eat and I'm alone.

I guess my main reason for posting here is to ask for some guidance: I can't control this ability AT ALL. Is there any way for me to control how much I see, or will I always have to deal with this amount of extra stimuli? I'm now seventeen years old, and I'm going to college in a year: the last thing that I want is to be seen as a freak. At the very least, I want to get a handle on whatever the heck I am: this is the first time I am actually doing any research or posting on a board for advice. Any guidance you'd like to provide would be appreciated. Thanks for reading!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sarahbearah, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

LittleMissDontAsk (1 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-25)
Oh yeah I forgot to mention... This really works for me: I sleep with the tv on and when I do this it stops my brain from totally relaxing when I sleep so I don't end up as "open" to "experiences". Now, don't get me wrong I still have my psychic dreams but the tv definitely helps to tone it down and decrease the number of them. I rarely sleep without the tv because I just start getting flooded and its hard to sleep and if I have the tv off and I actually do manage to sleep the dreams/visions are so intense/numerous and sometimes I just don't want to see it.
Hope that helps you to 😁
sarahbearah (1 stories) (3 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-25)
yeah I'm trying my best to control it, at this point I've been full-on seeing people for like five years so its not so much scary as surprising and annoying. I'm not really interested right now in trying to help them, I'm just trying to manage the level of sensory perception I get. I'll try yelling at them, I think that might like surprise them or something, I have kind of noticed that they don't really like really loud noises directed at them. I've never encountered anything definitely bad or definitely good: they all seem pretty neutral, all of them definitely just people who died. Nobody I recognized though. Thanks for all the suggestions!
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-24)
sarahbearah you should always put psy shield if some spirits is trying to hurt you so that you feel protected. ❤ 😊 😉
LittleMissDontAsk (1 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-23)
I wish I could help you but I myself am in a very similar situation and really have not find any good managing/focusing techniques. The few things I have learned is just to roll with it and as far as ghosts go... (this will probably make people laugh) Whenever they make their presence known I just tell them out loud, "I can't help you and you need to go away" if indications of their presence continue I say it again and than I get a little tougher about like "Hey I know your there but I can't help you so you need to go somewhere else and if I invited you or you think I invited you here it was a mistake and you need to go!" sometimes I will get really mad and cuss at them because it gets annoying... You know knocking stuff over and loud bangs with no explainations etc etc you get the picture but anyway its worked for me so far so maybe it will work for you too! Best of luck
Pinkyrose144 (1 stories) (14 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-23)
Please go Read my story its called "I know things before they happen" Thanks
Also I can't see things like you do but my mom did once see someone's face right beside me and she got shocked for an instance but one thing I can tell you is do not be scared if they come see you or you see them, its because they want to tell you something or they just want to tell you that they are there for you. Maybe its peoples in your family that died and they want to tell you that they are there with you to watch on you. Well I don't see them but I hear them sometimes at night and to be honest it does sometimes freak me out, but I tell myself its probably peoples in my family that died and there talking to me but when they talk I can't completely understand what there saying though. Anyway Good Luck *wishes you a good day* Please go read the story I posted called "i know things before they happen" ❤ Thanks
Aine (2 stories) (6 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-23)
I know what you are talking about exactly. I go through periods of my life where this ability is stronger than at others, but I do remember that my teens seemed to be very very active and that it was the first time I really saw them clearly. You will get used to it. The way you see spirits is very similar to the way I perceive them - it's a feeling, an image, sometimes gone when you look at them and sometimes they stay. It is very difficult to explain.

As for getting rid of them? I have had some success with telling them to leave "in the name of Jesus Christ" (or whatever good you believe in - this is my particular belief system, and I don't believe in forcing it on anyone else.) Another friend of mine envisions a "bubble" of light surrounding her and shutting out all of the spirits. I have never really tried that myself. The main key to my success is to either ignore them so that they leave, or if I feel threatened to simply BELIEVE that I am protected and that they cannot hurt me. Most of them will leave you alone if they realize you don't want to be bothered. I have also found that when I have spirits showing up in my house it is because they are attached to a specific object. Usually you can find the object and get rid of it if they refuse to leave and they get out within a couple of days... It's kind of like having radar to find what it is they are attached to.

Hope that helps. You can contact me if you need anything else. I am still learning, but I feel like I have a little bit of experience and understanding in this specific category. My high school experiences were unreal!
Komodo (6 stories) (23 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-23)
Dear sarahbearah

Sorry about that my computer played up. Sometimes I really hate this thing!
Komodo (6 stories) (23 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-23)
I can so connect, I feel the exact same way as you do. For a while they stayed in coner of my eyes as if they disappeared at the exact moment I turned my head but then they started appearing infront of me and would make me jump or stop in my tracks.

Since then I have tried meditating, they don't come less but it does help to calm your mind and block out any spiritural messages now and again. My best advise is to try and get used to it like you did when they were in the corner of your eyes so then you don't appear spooked when it does occur. Also some fellow mediums have tried crosses and holy water and claimed that it worked, I haven't tried it as I haven't been able to get my hands on some but if you can you should try it!

Good Luck 😁 😁
Komodo (6 stories) (23 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-23)
I can so connect, I feel the exact same way as you do. For a while they stayed in coner of my eyes as if they disappeared at the exact moment I turned my head but then they started appearing infront of me and would make me jump or stop in my tracks.

Since then I have tried meditating, they don't come less but it does help to calm your mind and block out any spiritural messages now and again. My best advise is to try and get used to it like you did when they were in the corner of your eyes so then you don't appear spooked when it does occur.
Also some people have tried crosses and holy water, I haven't tried it as I can't get my hands on any but if you can give it a shot it might work out

😁 Good Luck 😁

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