I'm Nicole and really confused. Am I psychic? This is really personal but I have been going to see a psychiatrist because I'm too "emotional!" Well I think its empathy, my mom kind of does too and I'm pretty sure that I'm clairvoyant too because I always get these visions and then like a day later or sometimes sooner it comes true. I'm not scared. I read a lot on it and I think I might be but I'm not quite sure, so if anyone can help me then please that would be great.
Since I started seeing a psychiatrist, she put me on Abilify-- that anti depressant. What I believe is empathy went away, except every once in a while it still slips through the cracks. Like I said I'm not scared just confused. I need answers. Okay, calling all psychics. Find out for me please. Do I sound psychic? If you get a premonition on me please I beg of you thanks.
P.s. I feel like someone is always watching me, is there? Is there someone watching me? Or am I just crazy? But again all psychics try to get a premonition and see if I am psychic (I only hope) fingers crossed. I love the supernatural! Also can I cast spells and stuff and do I have the "healing touch?" if I am psychic I have some other story's you are welcome to comment those to please do acutely and well, thank you for your time.
-CaliGirl123 (again)