I have had a number of "paranormal" experiences over the years. I remember frequent conversations with a ghost in our house when I was 4/5 years old, and I've seen a few other things since then that I can't analyze using "normal" means. I've also occasionally had dreams that would play themselves out in real life sometime in the future. Before the days of caller ID, I also "knew" who was calling when the phone rang, and I still often "know" who's calling before I look at the caller ID. I just assumed that everyone had stuff like that happen to them, but I'm realizing now that not everyone does.
Curious, I attempted to take some online psychic ability tests a few months ago. I generally didn't show any level of psychic ability, but I sensed that it was because I wasn't really trying. So, I really tried one time, concentrating on each of the cards rather than just making the first guess that came to mind (which often ended up being the next card chosen). I hit several in a row by really "focusing"; that might not be the right term, but I don't know what else to call it. All I knew was that I was feeling a lot of energy around me, almost like static energy but a little creepier. I missed the next couple of cards, since the feeling made me nervous and I lost "focus". I was able to "focus" again and started getting the next few cards right. Then that creepy feeling came back really quickly and one of the light bulbs (compact fluorescent) glowed really bright, made a loud "POP", and went dark. I can chalk it up to coincident timing, but I can't shake the feeling that it was related to what I was doing.
I tried taking the test on this website again today, and I was able to "focus" and got 5 of the first 8 cards correct. Then, that creepy feeling set in, and I lost "focus" because I was afraid of damaging something electronic. I can't explain why, other than I was probably recalling my previous experience.
I'm not really sure what to do now. I don't know if what I've experienced is "normal" or not. Is this something I should explore or ignore?