I seldom write about myself, but thought if I put my thoughts down on paper about my somewhat troubling experiences having out of body episodes, I might possibly receive some feedback that would help me understand and too accept why they have happened to me.
It all started when I was approximately 4 years of age. My father was an abusive man, sometimes screaming words in my face or the extreme mistreatment of physical abuse. This particular experience of the mistreatment I believe triggered the OBE that I had at that age. As we all know at such an early age, events sometimes only are remembered by the extreme happening of the event. Well, I'll get on with what happened. I had taken the bottle from my sisters mouth which triggered crying by her. My father got me out of the room where the crib was and then the horrible kick that pushed the breath from my body. I have gotten other details from my mother who confessed this incident to me. She explained that my eyes rolled back in my head and I was starting to bite my tongue. I vaguely remember seeing myself in my mother's arms from above. After this episode, my life went on, I am not completely sure, but without incident.
Following our move from this residence, my first recollection of flying through the house, I was at the age of approximately 10 yrs.
Over the years and even as an adult, I have experienced OBE's, but far too seldom. As time has gone by, I seemed to yearn for the experiences and have even once only thought about coming out of body and achieved it.
I hope you can give me some insight into the type of obe's that I have, how I can achieve them and even control them while I am out of body. Thank you for reading and hope you will respond back to me whether it be with questions of me or any helpful information you are aware of.
Also, it seems that I sometimes get negative feelings when something is about to happen. These feelings do rarely come to me, one was when my grandmother passed and 2 days before I began to cry. It's sad to me that these amazing experiences should have to come from a violent act and the man that is my father. I do wish I had some answers to some of these questions. I understand though, that my answers will have to come me, but to my dismay I really just do not have the answer.
Chris Grantham