I was searching for answers, but found this site. I was wondering if I have any psychic-ness in me. It seems that my tv turns itself off sometimes when I get mad, and I checked the sleep timer and it wasn't on. When I'm on the computer the dick drive opens and closes when I get mad, because my internet is messed up and my big sis never bothers to fix it, so it can be VERY annoying.
I've always grown up believing in all these "powers" and paranormal stuff. My sister and friends has always known of me as the weird one and I'm really random. I would spit out random things and it'd be the same thing their thinking of. I don't know if it's true or not, but my sister once said to me "Geez, that thing really messed up." I never knew what that meant, but my older brother told me that when I was 2 years old, I was lifted up near the ceiling fan when I was sleeping and my mom came in the room screaming for her life. He said my mom had to climb on the bed to get me down. I never had any memory of it though. But strange things had been happening to me lately and out of no where I had the urge to learn telekinesis. But that's another story.
I just need some clarity please. And I was wondering if anyone had every levitated like this.
I doubt you have much experience but if you research and practice you will be able to control it.
Your life could change in a simple click of Google.