This is my first time on here!:) thanks for reading. I have been going through some things that I am not sure of. I have seen shadows of people but when I look over there isn't there, but lately it has been colored. It is strange and once I have even looked right at one and didn't go away. He was a spirit of some kind. He had that brown hat with the ear type things hanging from the side. Now when I see other people's aura it has been more of a rainbow rather than one color, but it has been harder to look at because they are smaller now. And lastly I have been seeing a picture in my head (which has never happened to me before) lately, but that's it, just a still frame that does actually happen, it usually happens when I'm doing things that are very simple, like brushing my teeth or hair.
All these new things have happened this past week. Are my abilities developing? I have had these powers before expect the future, such as I only seen shadows, and only seen one colored auras. Can you help me, explain what's going on, and why am I only seeing pictures and not things in motion, How do I make them stronger, and maybe to control the seeing the future thing
Thanks very much.
James A.