I, by no means, want to make this seems as if I'm special. I'm just trying to understand these events surrounding my life and these feelings that take over me.
I have an unbelievable sense of empathy that allows me to almost read someone's mind. I know exactly where the conversation is headed, exactly what their emotional state is at the moment, and exactly what they want to hear. Immediately upon meeting someone I am able to immediately "feel" what type of person they are and what they will respond to. I know exactly how they feel about what I'm saying and I stun a lot of people when I can predict a whole conversation by letting the person know who I am talking to what their series of questions would be. I even think to myself this is not anything special... Maybe just analyzing...
But, I can like literally feel people. Its really hard to explain. I can feel who they are... Their spirit... Their personality, their character. It even stunned me one year for instance I was over a good friend of mines house. I was there for a graduation party for his sister. His sister was flipping through her yearbook and for kicks I started looking at pictures and saying what type of personality they have. I even went as far as to say certain things they probably did. I was right every single time. I did at least 12 people. I honestly got scared and stopped. Its so hard to put into words. Every girlfriend I have said when I touch them they feel something weird they can't explain. I myself can feel their energy... Its almost hypnotizing as I can calm them almost to the point they fall asleep. This has been true with every girl I have come into contact with. I haven't tried this out with men simply because there aren't too many instances in which I touch men besides a handshake. I just don't know what to make of it.
These feelings are getting stronger and stronger as I get older... I'm mid 20's which is the part that scares me. I have other random things that I think are odd. I never remember my dreams until they happen in real life. A real life even triggers the dream and I remember the whole thing. I can think of one dream that wasn't triggered by some real life event. To clarify: the real life event that triggers the dream is part of the dream. I can usually tell when someone is going to come by before they get to the door. Same thing goes for phone calls... I will pick up my phone right when it's ringing. It's sad to say but I find it easy to manipulate people based off me knowing what's going through their mind, what they are thinking, and what they are feeling... Using that information I know what response they want
I just don't know what to make of all of this... I think I'm going crazy... I don't know how to deal with something I don't understand. If you follow astrology I'm a number 33 which are known for strong empathy.