I have two sides to myself. One, is the side I show to the public, family, friends, etc., which is happy, cheerful, constructive, kind and me. The other side no one knows, which I barely even do. With this side, I'm physic, and can (while concentrating) see auras. I don't tell anyone about this because it seems it is the safest with me, and besides people probably wouldn't believe me.
The first physic encounter (that I remember) I had I think was when I was 7 or so. I was at a sleepover and we where all just falling asleep when 'exercise' just flashed in my brain, then I fell asleep. The next morning we did some stuff, turned on the TV and there was an exercise show on, and we started dancing to it. I didn't tell anyone this because it just really wasn't that important. But who knows maybe my body wanted the exercise;)
I also sense things, like if something bad is going to happen, and get all agitated and start asking questions like, "This thing runs, right?" or "How far is that?." Just questions you would ask to be sure and sure enough something bad does happen.
Also, sometimes I'll be dreaming and I'll see something in my dream and then my dream will like pause and I will start freely thinking about the thing. Like I had a dream and the clock said 7:61. I realized the clock only goes up to 59 and I started thinking about military time, and I also thought how I would of missed my bus and everything. Then I asked my mom in the morning what 7:61 would be: It would be 8:01. I wonder if something would happen at 8:01 in the morning and nothing did. I am wondering why that 7:61 got me imagining in my dream. Also, it wasn't the time in real life ether so maybe it isn't important but I'm not sure.
But the true answer I seek is, should I tell anyone? Also my birthday is coming up soon, and I feel like something important to me (other than getting older) is going to happen. Like gaining something or figuring out something.
😊 Sara