I've been trying to find a source to help me out for a while now. I really don't know where to start. I guess I'll start by saying that I'm 15 years old, and am an extremely powerful psychic. I know what powers I'm capable of. These include reading peoples' pasts, presents and futures; detecting auras, and the ability to see and feel energy given off by people or left in certain areas (to me, it's kind of like people are like cars, and the energy is the pollution they give off); seeing, hearing, communicating and interacting with the dead everywhere I go, almost 24/7; healing, which I cannot control whatsoever and occurs sporadically (one occasion, my friend accidentally stabbed himself through the hand and I simply put my hand over the wound. Five seconds later, it was gone as if it never happened); and now I've found myself performing telekinesis even in front of others.
The reason I turn to this site is mainly because I want answers and I'm not sure who to go to at this point. My father is a psychic, but he's barely of use because he tries not to see things even though he does, and cannot often give me constructive feedback on the subject. My mother is fully aware of all of my powers, but is not a psychic whatsoever and is therefore not useful on the subject either. I do have psychic friends, and even my non-psychic friends all know about at least some of my powers but none of them are powerful/know enough to help either.
I know I've had gifts since I was very little (one of the first instances, I used to play with my dead brother who was one of two twins that died at birth several years before I came along). But now I'm starting to realize that I possess every power imaginable, apparently. It's just that I have no idea how to fully control and build on any of my powers.
Interacting with the dead seems to come natural, as does reading people, auras and energy; really, healing and telekenesis I have the most trouble on. Are there any ways to focus on tapping into these two more so I can build on them as well in the future?