I was about 19 and had just graduated from high school. Two days before 9/11, I had a dream that someone had flown a plane into one of the twin towers! I woke up and told a friend. She thought that it was just a dream. Then on the day of 9/11, I had the dream again only I could feel people's fear. I woke and told my aunt who said it was just a bad dream and to go back to bed. I went back to bed and just started to fall a sleep when my aunt came in and shook me. Saying "Marsha, go and look at the news!"
I staggered out of bed into the living room and looked at the TV.
On the TV a news person was talking about the twin towers being hit by a plane! I was wide awake now! My aunt asked me how I knew that was going to happen and I just looked at her.
I would like to take this time to say that ever since then I have had that first vision, I have kept getting them. I am hoping to find friends that are "like me". I just don't want to be a freak or something. You can email at buffy3282_2004 - at - yahoo.com if you have the "gift" that I have and live in Indiana. I will even answer you if you don't live in Indiana. I just want friends that have the "gift".
Thanks and warmest blessing to all,
Marsha AKA: Buffy