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Catholic Teenage Psychic, Apparently Possible


I have some sort of a freaky ability. I have been Catholic since I was born, and we aren't supposed to believe in psychics as anything more than possessed people or frauds.

Recently, however, things have been starting to happen. I know exactly when the bell is going to ring to let me out of class, I can tell when my best friend is going to come out of the lunch line, I know when someone is going to come talk to me, I know what my parents want me to do before they ask me. There's a bunch of other things that I know before they happen, like if my mother can take me to class tonight or if she will get out of work too late for that. And sometimes I can predict songs on the radio.

I told my two best friends. One thinks that I might be right. The other partially thinks that I might be right, or that I might really need to go see a shrink. I haven't told my parents because they would think that I was crazy, or they would send me to be exorcised.

I don't see things on a regular basis, but the things that I do See are scary. I've Seen how my mother will die, lots of flashes that might be the end of the world, my sister getting emotionally shattered, and lots of other things that I try not to remember or think about.

I was wondering if anyone could tell me any possibilities about what is happening. Or if everyone else thinks I am schizophrenic. If you do reply, thank you! All comments GREATLY appreciated!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sweetblood17, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

sweetblood17 (1 stories) (7 posts)
15 years ago (2009-12-16)
Indigo, thank you. I'm sorry that you have to see those things too. Nobody should.
IndigoGirl89 (1 posts)
15 years ago (2009-12-06)
I'm Catholic as well and attended Catholic school for 12 years, yet I've had many 'paranormal' experiences occur to me.
My family was very skeptic as well and un-open minded, if I've ever told them about it. I can relate to you with the random flashes of different scenerios playing out in your mind of horrible things happening. Although most of the time it's happening to someone who I cannot recognise and never met before in my life, as if it was occuring somewhere else in the world at the time. I've gotten predictions through dreams many times as well. I respect my religion, but I refuse to act blind to all of the things I've seen and lived through. I hear what youre saying and my advise to you is to trust your gut feeling on this. It usually speaks the truth. I doubt it's a psychological problem, since youre able to process what's going on and speak about it in a intelligent and logical way. My personal opinion, is that youre just another gifted person:)
sweetblood17 (1 stories) (7 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-17)
Lasker, thank you! I looked at the article, and it was one of the best things ever! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Here is a huge digital hug for you!
Lasker (5 stories) (48 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-17)
Found an article written by a Catholic psychic:

randy (4 stories) (24 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-10)
finally, another catholic psychic. I know that I am not alone anymore.
CuriousPsychic13 (16 stories) (141 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-10)
Lolz, nope, I'm a proud Canadian Eh! So, I think all the priests that come to my school are mental, but I actually tend to not tell the whole truth and lie just a tad to the priest during confession... I remember the day rather clearly. I cam out of confession, and my friend always jokes of how she's going to hell for random things, and I told her to reserve a spot for me because I'm going with her.
Also, you can stake or hang someone, it's just not legal. So, good luck to you, and I honestly hope you find a way to be comfortable with your powers and that your able to keep it a secret if you want it too. Also, I advise you find a, 'Sanctuary' and meditate, and think clearly. I find with my gifts sometimes I just need to sit and think. I live in a house where the adults are Chatholic, and my younger sister... Is sort of not understanding secrets and stress yet. It simply bounces off of her. Anyway, like I said, try just thinking, and reviewing your life, and best wishes:)
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-10)
I will correct of what you said. It is not my mother who died instead my grandmother. Good day to you and to all. 😊 ❤ 😉
sweetblood17 (1 stories) (7 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-10)
Okay, I have gotten a LOT of comments to this post, and I don't know how to reply to each one individually. I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has responded. Saille, that was touching. That was the first time anyone has ever told me that. I considered that, but nobody ever told me that until now. AnneV, the only priest from my parish that I really could trust was moved across the state. And I don't believe that, my parents do. Thank you for the info on Padre Pio. Epoy, I did go and read some of your stories. I feel really sorry for both you and your mother. Lost, I would probably reccomend not telling your mother. It's hard, but possible. 123, thank you a lot. Psionic, thank you for a very insightful post. It helps a lot. Lasker, I sort of knew that bishops wear rings, but I did not know the stuff about amethysts, or the healing powers. And I have most definitely never considered that some of the popes might have been psychics. Lots of food for thought! And Catholics don't really have a dress code. My parents enfore modesty, but that's it. Path, that was very educational. I did not really think about the saints. I should've but I didn't. Thank you. Curious, I sincerely doubt that the Church can seriously stake you or hang you anymore. You do live in the US, right? And if you think there might be a serious problem with the priest, I think lying might be called for. I don't recommend it, but it might be necessary. Huge hugs to everyone who responded! If I didn't thank you already, THANK YOU!
Lasker (5 stories) (48 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-10)
Also, you want to be careful where you buy your protection stones, should you go this route, as not everyone in on the community actually supports the community.

If you want to use a healing stone in public without anyone knowing, a good idea would be to buy something that falls within your religion's dress code that also carries a healing stone - some psychics probably wear crosses with protection stones in them.
CuriousPsychic13 (16 stories) (141 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-10)
Crap. Seriously, that sucks. I live with a house full of chatholics, and for a while, I was Chatholic, But I was only nine or ten. I have been baptized, and had first comunion, but I did not get confirmed because I feel like the entire religion is against me. So at last confession, I asked the priest what the bible said about psychics. He said anything like that was sheer poisen, and that it was opening my life to saton... He went on for about five minutes. And even before then I've never been comfortable with being Chatholic. Personally, I believe in a god or goddess, I just don't wish to pick specifically because that is the cause for problems, and there doesn't seem to be a particular reason for the specific choice. My gifts, I think, would be thought highly unholy and they might just stake or hang me for confirming them.

So, my advice is to simply keep it on the down low, act casual, and maybe keep it a secret, find out who you can trust. Exercise your gift, and do what you think is right. If you wish to keep it up, do so. It's your gift, and other people don't have the right to call you nasty things, or to belittle you. Best of luck, Curious.
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-10)
sweetblood17 as AnneV stated Father Pio
Is big stuff as far a a complete package
And held the office of an Itailian priest I believe canonized. He is known all over Europe, he was able to bio locate and read minds as well as heal people.
Don Pedrito from Mexico knew illness and was a healer.
Teresita Urrea was known for psychic abilitiies and healer. Google them for they were Catholic.
Also research the areas of miracles such as Lordes, Megagoria etc for many people have visons and healing. So psychic ability is a normal around these settings as well.
Lasker (5 stories) (48 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-10)
Also, the grid structure of gold greatly aids psychics.

Popes have golden scepters correct?

Put two and two together here, and you have a long history of Catholic leaders that were psychic.
Lasker (5 stories) (48 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-09)
Catholic bishops are known to wear rings set with amethyst stones. It is noted among psychic healers that amethyst assists in the healing process, and that psychic energy often collects on the "ring finger," thus wearing metal around the "ring finger" may be a tradition started to relieve pressure from energy gathering at this point on the hand.

From my blog:

Lasker (5 stories) (48 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-09)
You're Catholic, thus I can assume you know that Catholic bishops wear amethyst rings?

Did you know that it is considered a "psychic ability" to heal with the amethyst stone?

Putting two and two together here, it would seem that your faith is actually very much involved in what we call psychic influence - your history simply calls it something else.
Psionic (3 stories) (70 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-09)
You have the ability of precognition, the ability to know what is going to happen before it happens. I have the same ability. If you have experienced psychic experiences, doesn't that tell you that there is such a thing as a psychic. Do not be fooled by those who say that we are frauds. I pity them, because they are not willing to know the truth. I see it as this way, your religion is trying to discourage what you and I are a part of. You can never deny who you really are.
Feel free to keep in being a catholic, because religion is part of your opinion, and I respect you for that. But if your religion says that psychics are frauds, I would help them see the truth. Stand up for yourself and other real psychics out there. Help them understand that there are some real, genuine psychics around like you, I and everyone else on this website. Be who you are, and develop your gift.
Having a gift or a power does not make people evil. Many saints had special powers, such as foresight or healing, they were not evil were they? They had powers and helped others, why can't you? I have helped others using my psychic abilities from doing predictions and tarot card readings to meduimship. I am not a bad person, I want to help others, because I am a good person. You are a good person, and you and use your powers to help others, because you are a good person. Think about what I have said. I hope this helps. Thank you for sharing and good luck.:)
123hope123 (8 stories) (124 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-09)
I am cathlic too, but I don't think about what I do that wat. What I think is that you are gods messanger I guess you could say he gave this gift to you for a reason!
lost-in-my-own-mind (8 stories) (44 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-09)
Hey. I'm Catholic too. I'm afraid of what my parents will say, my mother seems open minded but I don't know.
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-09)
I had lots of visions about the end of the world many times in the past. You are not alone on this kind of experience. I agree with AnneV that all saints had given a gift by the holy spirit to become psychics. All of the apostles belong to this. If you have time, read my one of my stories entitled "World War 3 Prediction" so that you can get information of what I am telling you. Good day 😊
Saille (1 stories) (1 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-09)
Congratulations! You've started on a beautiful, powerful journey that most people only dream of.

Here's my advice. You were made by God. Your powers are part of your brain\body, since otherwise you wouldn't be experiencing them, someone else would. Would God give you something evil? Somehow I doubt it--you're His kid. He loves you. And if He loves you, then so can you--powers and all.

YOU ARE NOT EVIL. You are a special and unique person. Don't be afraid. Trust yourself. You'll find that your life is going to be a beautiful, miraculous thing from now on. You are blessed!
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
15 years ago (2009-11-09)
If you believe that psychics are frauds and crazy people why aren't you speaking to your pastor or priest about this instead of fraternizing with the very people you think are evil? And by the way, some Catholic "saints" were psychic

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